Chapter 14 ~ I Really Do Love You

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A/N Hope you Enjoy!

Max met up with Lucas. "What took you so long?" Lucas laughed. Max smirked. "Tried not to wake El up". She replied. Lucas shook his head and smiled. "Can I ask a question? Between us. As your best friend?" Lucas grabbed Max's shoulders. She nodded confused. "Are you like a thing? You and El?" Max but her lip. She smirked. "Maybe". She walked towards school more. "I knew it". He screamed. "Shut up". She ran and covered his mouth. She both walked to school laughing. "Thanks for being cool about this". Max rested her head on his shoulder. "Max. Why wouldn't I be? You are like a sister to me. Despite the Snow Ball incident". Max punched his arm. "Thanks Lucas. I've gotta find Dustin now. Tell him". Lucas let her go. She smiled at him and headed towards the gym.

El was bored out of her mind. She decided maybe she should go out to the school. Say hi to Max and bring her food. She knew the woods of Hawkins. That could work. Mind you she looked like a student. She grabbed shoes and made a picnic. She borrowed Max's bike and headed to Hawkins High School. Through the woods.

Max had told Dustin about her. He smiled and hugged her. "I'm so happy for you. That means we can go on a double date some day. Or a triple date". Max laughed. "Calm down lover boy". Dustin looked over her shoulder and distracted her. Lucas jumped on her back and she screamed. She punched his arm. She was laughing though. "You idiot". Lucas laughed. He spotted her Walkman. "Kate Bush again?" He smirked. "Maybe". She smirked. "And if I only could". He started singing. "Oh my god shut up!" She laughed. Dustin began to. She looked at him and then at Lucas. "Why are you singing?" Lucas laughed. "Turn around. Look at what you see". Lucas and Max began singing. Dustin flipped them off. "I hate you both". They all laughed. They struggled to breathe. They all decided to walk to the bleachers outside. They sat down and caught their breath. Max rested her head on Lucas again.

El had made it to a bench near to the school. She grabbed her bag and walked to an opening. The football players began running on the field with cheerleaders practicing routines. She got to the outskirts where she saw Max. Lying on Lucas. A jealous outburst suddenly rose in her. She walked straight towards them. She knocked people back and sent them flying. "Max Mayfield!" El shouted. "Oh god". Dustin saw the massacre. "Hey what are you doing here?" Max got up. "I wanted to have a picnic with you". She gave Lucas a death stare. Max noticed. "Oh no that wasn't anything. I told him. About us. We are strictly platonic El". She grabbed Max's wrist and walked her to the bench. Max could read that she was jealous. "You know you are so hot when you are jealous". Max laughed. "I'm not jealous". She spat. "You sure?" Max got up and put her arms around El and rested her head on the sitting girl. "You should know I would never do something like that. I really do love you". Max kissed El's head. "I love you too". Eleven began lightning up. "I have Eggos". Eleven rummaged through her bag and brought some Eggos out. Max laughed.

"I've got to got to class. See you later El". She pecked El on the lips and ran back to the school. "Love you!" She shouted. "Love you too!" Max replied in the distance. El packed everything up and headed to the trailer.

She got to the trailer and decided to call Hopper. "Hello?" Joyce picked up. "Hi it's me". El quickly replied. "Oh hi honey. How's Hawkins?" El laughed. "Good. Is Hop there?" Joyce handed the phone to Hopper. "Hey kid". He said through the phone. "I need to ask you something".

El waited on the couch so excited to see Max. The door opened and Max was in tears. Elevens heart dropped. She immediately ran towards Max and hugged her. "What's happened?" Max looked at El in the eyes. "Some idiot tried to hurt Lucas. He mentioned Billy when I tried to help him". El got up. "What does he look like? I'll split him in half. Or snap him". Max laughed. "You are amazing. You know that right?" El smiled again. "Tell me again?" They cuddled on the sofa. Max rubbed her tears away. "You are truly amazing". El sat up to look at her girlfriends eyes. "I have some news". El began to beam with excitement and anxiety. "I called Hop earlier. Told him I can deal with California. Told him I was most happy here. And I asked him if I could stay. And I can. I'm staying in Hawkins". Max felt like she had been lifted into heaven. "Really?! You get to be here. With me? Would you go to Hawkins High?" Max hugged her tightly. "They are coming back to sort all of that out. But yeah. Which then means I have to ask. Can I live with you?" El crossed her fingers. "Jane Hopper. Of course you can!" The girls kissed and hugged.

A Week Later...

"So Jane, you have any friends here in Hawkins High?" The principal asked her. "Yeah". The principal nodded and prepared to write. "May I ask who? We need to know for your schedule and things like that". El nodded. "Michael Wheeler. Dustin Henderson. Maxine Mayfield". The principal nodded. "Ok we will print your schedule now and give you your tour guide and locker combinations and assigned locker. Maxine Mayfield is your guide. Considering the pair of you will be able to complete gym together". El beamed. Hopper and Joyce said their goodbyes and spoke to Susan. They could finally be happy. No California. No lab. Just Max and El.

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