Chapter 7 ~ Just Us

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A/N If you have somehow endured this thing. Thank you! I hope you Enjoy!

Max looked at El. Eleven smiled. "I want to be with you Max". Max bit her lip. "You realise by saying that what you are risking for this?" El nodded. "I don't care. If necessary I'll use my powers. I like you". Max smiled. "Ok". She said. Eleven looked up. "Ok?" Max smiled more. "Ok we can do this. But we have to keep it a secret. Don't tell anyone. Not Joyce. Not Will. Not even Hopper. The less people that know the easier to prevent bad things. Promise?" El held out her pinkie. "Promise". The girls collided their foreheads and laughed.

Eleven arrived home to Joyce making a sandwich. "Hey Honey. You talk to Max?" El nodded. "Well how'd it go?" Joyce smiled. "We uh we decided to be friends instead". Joyce frowned. "It's ok". El said. "We realised we would put our friendship at risk. I can't lose her as a friend". Joyce nodded. "You have grown so much El". El smiled and then went to her room. She lay down and suddenly got a static noise. "This is Mike. Does everyone copy?" El picked it up. "This is Will. I copy". El listened. "This is Dustin. I copy". And then, "This is Lucas. I copy". Then the final one before El. "This is Max. Over". Mike sighed. "Where's El?" Eleven quickly remembered. "Oh I'm here". Silence. "Over?" Mike laughed. "Ok so considering we are mostly all free. Would you guys like to go bowling?" There was an awkward pause.

"Sure dude. I'm in". Lucas said. "I guess that could be fun". Dustin followed. "Why can't we play DND or something?" Will asked. "Will can't we just go out instead of fighting monsters or running away from a cop who traps you in a car?" El scrunched her face. "That's my dad Mike". A pause. "Fine but only if we can at some point play again". Mike laughed. "I want to get out of my house so I'm in. El?" Max said. "Yeah that would be fun". Mike cheered. "Ok how about in an hour?" Everyone agreed and left.

Eleven grabbed a new pair of clothes to look nicer. She was about to see Max again. The first time as girlfriends. But in secret. Will ran in and asked about a shirt. "Why so fancy? We are going with the group?" El asked. "No reason I just need to look good". El smiled. "Just ask Mike for a dress code". Will panicked and ran away. Weird she thought. Joyce agreed to take her and Will. "What about Max?" Joyce smiled. "I can call to see if she wants a lift".

They all jumped in the car. Will sat in the middle back seat and Eleven behind Joyce. They drove to where Max was waiting by the door. She jumped in on the other side of Will. Much to Els dismay. The car ride was awkward. Not a single person talked. Will was smiling oblivious to the fact that the two girls kept sharing longing looks. Eventually Max put her arm by the back of Will. He had leaned forward at this point. Her hand was moving as of trying to just hold El. Eleven looked at the hand and reached over looking like she was leaning on the seat. The girls held hands. They both looked away. Max began going slightly red. Will leaned back and the girls quickly moved.

The bowling alley was glowing. The group were already there waiting for the Byers. And Max. They all hugged and walked in. They got a lane. They decided the order. Mike, Will, Max, Lucas, Eleven and Dustin. They began. Max sat down with El and the pair smiled. The boys had began arguing over the fact that Mike thinks the balls are not good. "You changed your outfit?" Max asked. "Why? Is it bad?" El looked at the clothes. Max laughed. "You look cute". El smiled and then quickly looked to the boys. "It's ok. They have 'bigger issues' apparently". The pair laughed. Inevitably Max went to take her go. She picked up the bowling ball and got a strike. "How?!" Mike shrieked. "You cheated". Mike shouted. Max was confused. "How can I cheat then?" Mike looked around. "El could've used her powers. Yeah I saw you two conspiring". Max smirked. "She would have a nosebleed dumbass. Oh and next time you accuse me of cheating. Check you can actually bowl then I will listen to your conspiracies". Mike stood there arms folded. Lucas and Dustin smirked holding in laughter. Eleven laughed.

The game went on and became even more competitive. Mike was growing angry. Will was trying to calm him down. Dustin and Lucas didn't really care. Max was teaching El whilst flipping Mike off. Eleven was about to take her final go but Max ran over. She stood behind El and grabbed her hand. She moved it to show the perfect shot. El was staring at her the entire time. "Aim right there". Max adjusted Els view. The girl was blushing harder than anything. And Max knew. "You blush so quickly huh?" El nodded and took her shot. 7 pins. Max stayed where she was whilst El grabbed another ball. Mike walked over. "Is she scaring you? To distract you?" El rolled her eyes. "No Mike stop claiming that everyone is cheating just because you can't deal with losing. Next time you claim Max is doing something to harm me I will do something that will scare you for the rest of your days". Max smiled with pride. "Alright. Never thought I would see that. Why is it when you shout and things you become so much hotter". El blushed again making Max laugh. "What happened to keeping this a secret?" Max smirked. "Well they think I'm teaching you how to play. They can't see how much you are blushing right now". El smiled and bowled getting one pin. Dustin ended on 6 pins. That meant Max won. The girls stood away from the boys by the arcade games. "Would you like to go on a date with me?" Max asked. "A date?" Max nodded. "I wanna take you for food or something. I know a couple places". El smiled. "That would be nice". Max and El stared at each other. "How's Saturday?" Max smirked. "Saturdays great".

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