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***CW: Domestic Violence, description of DV***

Word Count: 1,003

"Open this door, you fucking bitch!"

Dani sat with her back against the door, heart pounding as she tried desperately to make sure he couldn't kick it in. Bile rose in her throat as she glanced down at her body, taking note of the large gash running from her hip down to the middle of her thigh. She'd gotten it trying to fight him off.

Jack had come home in a rage, screaming at her that it was her fault his boss had fired him. At least, that's what his reasoning for this beating was. It didn't make much sense to her. How could it have been her fault? Clearly he'd stopped at the bar on his way home. Usually she'd just take the beating so it would be over with faster. But there was something different this time. This gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach that he was going to kill her this time.

Sirens snapped her out of her thoughts. Had a neighbor heard and called police this time? She could only hope so. Choking back a sob she grabbed a towel hanging next to her and applied it to her leg, pressing as hard as she could. She had to hope help was on the way.

"Dani, if you don't open this fucking door right now, I swear to God, I'll fucking kill you."

A loud crash, shouting, and gunfire was the last she heard before she slumped over on the floor, her eyes closing slowly. Help was there. She could rest.


Dani peered out her windshield at the trailer in front of her. It definitely wasn't fancy, but it would do. A quick glance in her rear view showed what little of her belongings she had brought with her. Whatever she could fit in the back of her Gremlin. Sighing she opened the door, stepping out into the crisp autumn air.

With every step she took toward her new home her heart felt lighter, excitement growing as she placed the key inside the lock, turning it. She was free. Free from Jack. Free from the hell she had lived in for three years. It hadn't always been bad, but it didn't take long after he had convinced her to move in with him before the abuse started. It started small. A cruel remark here, a too tight grip on her arm there. But as time went on, the cruel remarks grew more frequent. The tight grips turned to things being thrown at her, slaps, punches and kicks.

Shaking her head she opened up the door, stepping inside her new home. The air was musty, like it had been empty a while. Turning on the light she saw a fine layer of dust covering everything. This place definitely needed cleaned before she brought her stuff in. The heater across the room caught her eye and she stepped quickly toward it, flicking it on.

"Okay, Dani. Fresh start. First, find the grocery store. Get food, beer, and cleaning supplies," she muttered, heading back out onto the porch. Turning quickly she locked the door again, then skipped down the steps to her car, a smile lighting up her face.

"You the new neighbor?"

Jumping Dani turned, heart in her throat. A man stood on the porch of the trailer next to her, keys in his hands. He was balding, wearing a flannel shirt, his goatee grey. Forcing a smile she kept her hand on the door handle. After Jack she wasn't taking any chances.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle ya." He smiled softly, keeping his distance. "I'm Wayne. Wayne Munson. That trailer's been empty a while. Good to see it's not going to waste."

"Dani Montgomery," she offered, relaxing a little. He seemed kind, sort of world weary. Like he'd lived a hard life. "Yeah. I just moved here. Like, today. It's a bit dusty. Can you tell me where the grocery store is?"

"Sure. You just take a left here," he gestured toward the street, "and you follow that down a few miles. It'll be there on your right, almost right after getting into town." He paused, taking in what little was in the back of her car, frowning slightly. "You all alone, miss?"

"I guess. Needed a fresh start somewhere nobody knows me."

Dani swallowed, starting to open her car door. She knew looking at him he meant her no harm. But she really didn't feel up to telling a stranger her life story. This Wayne didn't need to know any of that.

"Huh. Well, if you need anything, I'm here until evening time. I work nights. Nephew is generally here at night. Don't hesitate to ask if you need anything, alright?"

Dani smiled, her first genuine smile with the man. This must be what living in a small town was like. Just neighbors looking out for each other. It was nice.

"I'll hold ya to it, Mister Munson."

"Oh, just Wayne is fine. Mister was my father," he chuckled, making his way towards his truck.

"Alright. Thank you, Wayne," Dani nodded, sliding into the driver's seat.

Turning the ignition she glanced up as Wayne backed up, nodding his head in her direction. Waving she couldn't stop the wide grin that broke out across her face. This was just the fresh start she needed. She could feel it.

Popping in a new cassette she turned up the music as Judas Priest's "Screaming for Vengeance" started blasting, fingers tapping against the steering wheel as she backed up, making sure nobody was behind her. Sometimes a girl just needed heavy metal to soothe her soul. The driving drums, the wail of the guitar. It all felt so primal.

Blinker on she looked both directions before pulling out onto the street and headed into town. Yes. This was what she needed. A small town where now only one person knew her name, Judas Priest, and a fresh start. She was starting over.

Starting Over (Eddie Munson x FEM!OC)/Nothing Was Ever As It SeemedWhere stories live. Discover now