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Word Count: 1,459

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You didn't think I deserved a fucking goodbye in case you died?" Dani paced the living room, arms crossed over her chest. She turned to Eddie, who just sat there, watching her. Without a care in the world. "We'll? Are you going to say anything or just fucking sit there?"

"Dani, we've been over this. I kind of did. You were sleeping." He sat back, scrubbing his hands over his face. "And yes, I didn't wake you up on purpose. I didn't want you running head first into danger again."

"You don't get to make that choice for me, Eddie! I make my own goddamn choices! Not you. Not Steve or Robin. Not Jack. Me!" She didn't care that she was yelling now. What he had done was stupid and cruel. "Do you have any idea how fucking terrified I was?"

Eddie rose to his feet, taking off his bandana and battle vest. She watched him, arms crossed as he shoved his hands in his back pockets, turning away from her toward the wall. So, that's how it was then.

"Fuck you, Eddie." Shaking she grabbed her keys, heading for the door. She needed out of there.

***Eddie's POV***

Three hours. She had left three hours ago and she still wasn't home. He had tried driving around to see if he could find her with absolutely zero luck. It was time to call in some help.

"Robin, hey. Uhm, Dani wouldn't happen to be there with you guys, would she?" Stay calm.

"N-no. What's up?" He heard her whisper to Steve.

"She took off three hours ago, mad at me, of course. She, Uhm, she hasn't come home yet and I can't find her." He dropped down on the couch, covering his face with his free hand. "I-I just fucking stood there like an idiot. I should have fucking said something. Anything. And now she's gone and I don't know what to fucking do." By the time he finished his voice was shaking.

"Hey, man. It's alright. We'll find her." Steve. Robin must've put him on the phone.

"Fuck, I hope so," he muttered, hanging up.

No time to mope. With how angry she was she could have wrecked somewhere. If she was in danger he was running out of time to find her. Grabbing his keys he ran for his van, pausing only to grab the picture of them off the wall.

***Dani's POV***

She was well and truly lost. And it was dark. Shit. All she knew was she was at the lake, but she'd wandered too far off. She'd been trying to make it back to her car for hours. God, this had been a bad idea. She hadn't even brought a stupid flashlight with her so she could see. Or her jacket.

Shivering she turned, hoping she was on the right track back. She couldn't even hear the lake anymore. Just silence. The worst part was she wasn't even mad anymore, and Eddie was probably worried sick by now. Defeated she sat down, curling up into a ball to try to stay warm. Of all the stupid things she had done in her life, this was definitely in the top five. Her eyes started to close as she heard somebody calling her name.

Eyes snapping open she stood up, looking all around her. Where had it come from? Was she losing her mind?

"Dani!" There it was again. Nancy. It was Nancy calling her. She turned again, seeing a light off in the distance.

"Here! I-I'm over here!" she shouted back, hoping against hope she'd been loud enough.

"Stay right there! We're coming to you!" Eddie's voice this time.

"Eddie?" she called back, turning at the sound of somebody rushing toward her.

Her only response was a blinding light before a warm body wrapped around her. The familiar scent of leather, weed, and cigarettes surrounded her.

Starting Over (Eddie Munson x FEM!OC)/Nothing Was Ever As It SeemedWhere stories live. Discover now