386 17 10

Word count; 2,569


Eyes flickering open, I recognised the soft trail of fingertips which graced my forehead. Teo had placed a fresh cup of coffee on my bedside table, the steam of it circling as it met the stale air of my bedroom. This is how it had been for the last couple of mornings; either him, Emilia or Sascha taking their turns to urge me out of bed but failing every time.

"Ida made pastries." Teo lifted up a small saucer which had been hidden by the coffee cup. "This one has raspberries, I believe."

He pushed it into the small curve of the mattress beside my pillow.

"Please eat." He smiled. "It's your favourite."

I let my eyes shut briefly, hearing him sigh and sit back in his position on the floor.

"Major Winters is downstairs, Valentina." Teo cleared his throat. "He won't go until he sees you. After turning Liebgott away for the last couple of days, he is adamant to hear from you." He was fiddling with something on the table, maybe a paperclip. "He wants to make sure you know what has happened."

Mind in a haze, I didn't have the energy to rethink what Teo had last told me. All I knew is that they had found the men that assaulted Teo and he wished for no repercussions - if I had even bothered to get up, things would've been different.

"I cannot get out of bed, Teo." I croaked, rasping the words.

"He can come and see you."

"No. He cannot see me. He will cause more harm than good with his concern. I do not wish to talk to him."

"You don't have a choice, Valentina." He tucked his knees to his chest. "If you don't talk with him then he will think it is something even worse, given the fact he can't see you. Then he'll cause even more harm."

I dropped my head into my pillow.

"It'll just be you and him."

"Okay." I bit my inner cheek. "Pass me my fleece."

Teo reached for the cardigan which hung over the edge of my bed. Sliding each arm into their sleeves, I rubbed away a layer of sweat from my forehead, already exhausted by the simple action. In this time, Teo had disappeared, his steps dashing down the stairs quicker than my own heartbeat. I wiped away my eyelids, hoping they weren't as dark as I thought they were. Then, by the time I had readjusted the bed sheet over my legs, a knuckle tapped against the door. Dread poured through my soul, spilling out across the room. The Major stepped forward.

"Hello there." He said, in the way one would speak to an ill child.

"Good day."

"Do you mind?" He gestured to the door.

I shook my head and, like that, he let it softly fall shut.

"Are you well?"

"Yes." He smiled politely.

"Please," I indicated to the chair by my desk.

His eyes rested on my mirror for a few seconds, absorbing the words on its surface, but unable to translate a single one. He pulled out the seat carefully.

"I would ask the same." Winters jested. "However I feel like I know the answer."

"I am all right."

"Are you sure?"

"I've suffered with it since I was a child. This is one of the better days. I only wish we could've met in better circumstances."

"As do I." He said, matter-of-fact. "Do you have treatment?"

𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞; eugene roe ✔Where stories live. Discover now