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I am loving writing this. I didn't even update LLT as often as this. I just love Eugene and am trying to resist creating another fic about Liebgott or Martin because I love them too but I know their stories will probably sit exactly like Vivacious and BTT has.

Word count; 2,335



"Right here?"

We were by the front of my house, having scaled the ramp behind it and circled around, wanting as much time together as we could. About thirty minutes had passed where that's what we did, only for someone in the distance to start yelling some kind of slander and Eugene realising he needed to go back to Winters. The entire time, the pain in my chest only worsened, my limbs weak and frail.

The medic lowered me to the front step, "Are you sure you don't want me to take you back inside?"

I shook my head with a soft smile, "I wanted to watch you walk away."

"Will you be okay?"

"I will knock as soon as you're gone, don't worry."

"Okay." He said casually, stepping away.

Pivoting, he continued forward a couple of paces, only to rotate in my direction and jog back. Without second thought, he planted a kiss on my forehead, already having checked to see if anyone else was around. Then he walked away, content with the moment, only glancing once over his shoulder when he turned a corner, out of sight. I leant against the door, finally able to breathe without purposely shortening or lengthening each inhale and exhale, not wanting to cause any concern - not wanting to ruin what we had formed.

"Jesus Christ, get away from me."

I looked down the street, the exclamation louder. I didn't know whether to smile or frown; from the right emerged a Liebgott from the shadows, strolling along with Webster. The two were obviously in an argument of some kind - like an old married couple.

"Well, I'm just saying, how do you know-"

"Will you just be quiet? Jesus." Joe huffed, his combat jacket undone due to the heat, revealing a pristine white shirt. "I don't care why you think- oh hey, Valentina."

I grinned at their quarrel, "Good day, darling."

Webster erupted into laughter, "I never thought of that."

"What now?"

"Liebgott. Liebling. Has a nice ring to it."

"My God." Joe touched the bridge of his nose out of frustration. "Can't you go away? I'm trying to have a conversation with the broad and you're ruining it."

"Leave him alone, Joseph." I ordered playfully.

"He's been annoying me all fucking morning."

"Hey, no profanity!" Webster interjected.

I hadn't coversed with the man fully enough to realise he spoke German and laughed at the fact, "Play nice, you two."

"Go away." Liebgott pushed his friend. "Go on. Go sit over there and think about what you've done."

Webster rolled his eyes, adjusting the rifle sling on his shoulder, "Don't take too long, darling, we have places to be."

"Yeah, yeah, beat it, toots."

I chuckled, both of us examining the man as he dawdled across the square, finding a place to sit by the fountain.

𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐞; eugene roe ✔Where stories live. Discover now