9 - The Reason Why

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You know I'd fall apart without you, Mann. I don't know how you do what you do // Hunter Hayes {Wanted}

My eyes fluttered open and my head was throbbing. It took a couple of seconds before I realized where I was. I looked around and saw the small room covered in a light grey color. There was a shelf with cotton swabs, band aids, tissues and a bunch of medical stuff that I couldn't really recognize.

I was laying down on the couch inside the nurses office, which wasn't really a couch, only a cushioned bench for some kids with headaches to rest on. I was weary and tired and I wanted to go back to sleep, but I couldn't. I remembered that I was still in school, and I couldn't remember anything that happened earlier. Why was I in the nurses office anyways?

"Laura, are you awake?" I heard a voice say

"Wh-What happened? Am I dead?" I asked, sitting up. She gave me an assuring smile and pressed a hand to my forehead. "You were pushed. Hit your head on the floor. But you're okay. Everything's okay, Laura, you're not going to die." I forced a small laugh. I remembered what had happened. My small smile quickly turned to a frown.

Punching. Kicking. Blood. Cheering. Ross. Scott.

"What time is it?" I asked

"It's about 1:30. You should be able to make it in time for 5th period." She turned around and started searching for something, "Your friend, Chase brought you, he was worried about you. I would call him or text him - whatever you kids do nowadays - and let him know your okay." I nodded and smiled at the nurse. "Here take this" She said, handing me an ice pack and a lollipop.

"Thank you. Can I leave or do I have to stay here?" I asked

"You can leave, but I recommend that you take it easy today." She said

I nodded my head in response. "Off you go," She laughed. I stood up from the bed. My knees felt so weak. I longed to go home and sleep for hours. My head was still throbbing and I felt quite dizzy. I knew my parents would be worried by now. I just wanted the day to be over. It felt never-ending.

I exited the nurses office. I saw Ross sitting in the waiting chair right outside the office. Before I could walk away, I stopped to stare at him. His face was battered and bruised and bloody. I winced and looked away quickly.

"Hey" He mumbled.

I cleared my throat, "Hi."

Silence lapsed between us.

I could feel his intense gaze. I was staring at my worn out black converse like it was the most precious thing in the world. But it wasn't. I was just trying to avoid Ross - well, his face. I was such a coward.

He sighed, "I'm not a murder, if that's what you think."

"You nearly killed each other!" I squealed, covering my eyes once I felt him shift closer to me. He let out another sigh. He didn't say another word. I had the urge to cover my eyes around him. He was physically hurt. I felt his large, warm hands clasp around mine.

"Ross, I really don't want to look at you right now," I said. "It's not because you got into a fight and you made me scared of you...It's just that I don't know how to deal with bruises and scars and blood."

"I'm not bleeding," he said. "I just have a couple of bruises. That's all."

I slowly started to look up at him. Scott's punches must have been pretty hard. Austin had a huge gash right next to his eye. Bruises were already forming all around his face, and he had a split lip. I winced again, but I didn't look away.

"You're hurt," I blurted out.

There was a long pause before he answered, "I know."

"C-can I leave now?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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