2- Meeting You

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Emma and I walked around the school and she showed me where most of my classes are.By the time we finished walking around the school it was almost time to go to lunch.


I wasn't excited about going to lunch since it was my first day here, luckily Emma promised that she wouldn't leave my side.Im almost positive that she might not keep this promise.I can't blame her though, I wouldn't stick around either if I had a whole group of friends already.She told me to stay close to her and that I'd be ok.There was one thing that I was excited about.I was actually excited to meet Emma's friends.I mean all this time I was gone I wondered what type of friends she had, and now is the time I have the opportunity to meet them.


The bell rang which signaled that all the students would be released to lunch right now.Emma and I were already here at the lunch tables where I'm assuming her and her friends usually sat.The lunch tables were inside of the cafeteria and the cafeteria was larger than most.The cafeteria had lovely lunch lady's that were preparing the food for the kids that were coming.Emma had her salad all nice and neatly prepared in a pink covered tupperware.I didn't usually eat at lunch, so if I grew hungry I would just eat off of Emma's little side snacks.Just incase I brought a bag of chips in my backpack, Doritos to be exact.

I started to see crowds of students crawl out the hallways and into the lunch area.I started to play with my thumbs again, but Emmay placed her hands on top of mine causing me to stop.She smiled at me and I knew I'd be fine.I examined all the kids that were walking towards the cafeteria and I saw him.Thoughts started brewing in my head.

Well of course he'd be here, he goes to school here.

Why am I even obsessing about him?

I don't even like him.

He didn't look at me this time, but I was looking at him, I mean not in an attracted way but of a more curious kind of way.I was just interested. Emma caught me looking at him.Shoot.Emma's eyes widened and opened her mouth wide.I covered her mouth before she could say anything about it.I knew she would talk about how love struck I was just because I looked at him.

Soon enough Emma's friends came to our table, and they were very kind by introducing themselves to me.They soon started talking about some gossip.I have no interest about the topic so I got up and told them I would go get food.I left before I could see Emma's reaction, which I assumed looked pretty schocked due to the fact that I actually went off on my own for the first time today.Im usually very independent, but for some reason I just didn't really feel that way at the beginning of the day.I made my way to the area where they served lunch, and I got some spaghetti with a side salad.I got the front of the line...finally.

"That will be $5" She demanded softly.

Are you freaking serious.

I left my money in Emma's purse!Why would I do that?I just stared at the lady with a face that would remind you of a lost puppy.Suddenly I hear a deep, yet soft voice.I turned around to meet the dark brown eyes of a tall blonde guy.It was Ross lynch, the guy Emma was trying to match me up with.

"I've got this" he says smirking a bit.

He pays the lady for my food while I look down in embarrassment, but he just smirks and walks away.I felt bad for not saying thank you so I run to catch up to him.Luckily he doesn't walk to fast.

"Thank you.You didn't have to do that" I say softly.

"No problem.You're the new girl, right?"he asks

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