TF2 Chapter 4: Jetfire ay?..

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{We're now on a highway bridge, going to find Robo Warrior...}

Leo: This guy Robo-Warrior everything about, anything Alien he's suppose to know, one time we revenge hacked his site, and maybe I saw some of your weird alien drawings or whatever..*Leo tells Us*

Boston: Never got to look at his face I got close..but he blocked me off..hopefully your right Leo..*sighs*

*We parked by a shop called Deli, and we hope out of Bee, and I worn a Hat with a face mask Bee had in the car cupboard*

Sam: This is it?..*Sam asked*

Leo: Yelp, Deli good front!..*We look around as He comes to us* Alright you three, wait here, I'll give you the go, or no go, all right?..*We nod as he enters in the shop*

???: *A familiar voice spoke and man with weird butcher chef outfit* Number 42z we got your, Kishka, Knish, Kasha-varnishka, and kreplach combo right here!!, *A person hands him money* Cash only, who's next?.

Old woman: *comes over to him* I told to cure the Lox in brine and then smoke it..*She puts the meat down*

???: Ma, you want me to cut my hand off or what?..*Asked the old woman*

Old Woman: ruined a beautiful piece of fish, you retard!..give me my money..*She said grabbing the money* get out of here..

???: Hey, Sal!..*slaps the guy hand who tried to reach over* Watch your reach, huh?, *As Leo came to the front* Take a number Young Man...

Leo: Robo-Warrior?..*Leo said to the Man* Know him?

???: I've never heard of em?..*The man said and walked away*

Leo: You never heard of*Leo pressed*

???: Oh you must be talking about that amateur hour, blog operation, with Game Boy-level security. *The man said*

Leo: Robo Warrior...*eyes narrowed at the Man*

*We finally came in and Leo sees us, and I saw the familiar Man, Seymour Simmons of or was S-Seven agent*

Boston: Mr. Simmons what a surprise...*I mumbled*

Leo: It's him!, it's him!, that's the guy right there, that's him! *He points at Simmons*

Simmons: *Looked up and saw Me and Sam's face* Nooo...

Sam: You gotta be kidding..*He said*

Simmons: All right!, meat store closed!, *rings a bell* Everybody out!, out right now!!..*ushers the customers out and dealt with his employees*

Leo: Wait a minute you two know this guy?..*was confused*

Sam: Yeah, we're old friends..*Sam said I nodded*

Simmons: Old friends?, Your the case that shit down Sector Seven!

Boston: Excuse Mr. Simmons but either way the secretary of defense would be bond to know about Sector Seven and shut it down sooner or later and it was his order to shut down not if you wanna place blame, place it somewhere else like a mature adult..*He looks at Me and sighs knowing I am sorta right*

Simmons: Listen kids you need to leave right now, I ain't got the time to deal with this, especially since Alien Boy here..*Points at Me* His face is all over the please leave.

Boston: Mr. Simmons!..*Grabs Simmons lightly on the collar of his uniform* Please we need your help, I've been seeing these projected symbols in my mind that are driving Me crazy, and the big bad Aliens and including NBE-1 are are now were fugitives and I lost someone I hold dear to me, so please for the love God help us!..*I pleaded*

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