!TF4 Character Information!

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Name: Boston Harris Witwicky

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Name: Boston Harris Witwicky

Age: 28

Height: 5.8ft

Gender: Male

Likes: His Sparkmates, His biological family, Music, technology, food, chilling out, His Buddies Lennox and Epps.

Dislikes: Decepticons, hates it when his loved ones get hurt, Megatron and Starscream, hates people being a ignorant jackasses.

Bio: Boston was a normal kid, but at birth he had these birth marks that showed special people know as Autobot's from Cybertron, Boston past life, rather known as Silas Saber, was a calm, cheerful, positive hyper nature, he was also kind and caring, and had huge amount of loyalty to boot, but during the War of Cybertron, Saber tries to negotiate peace with Megatronus, or Megatron but when he refused to give up with the Negotiations, Megatron order Starscream to execute Silas Saber, soon Silas human reincarnation known as Boston Harris Witwicky...now Megatron defeated and Boston now alive and well with more interesting Sparkmates joining the Fray...life after the war against Sentinel, left a bad imagine to the Autobot's and all of transformer life, Government decided to end the alliance with the Autobots, and now their wanted for death, 5 years have passed, Boston has moved in with an old friend inventor Cade Yeager and they became partners inventive silly and awesome stuff, Tessa Yeager, Cade daughter bonded well with Boston, and she sees him as a uncle figure, which He didn't mind at all, money was a little scares, but Boston yelp provide even though Cade said he doesn't have to Bos, helps with the bills and rent, Bos wasn't the same though like he used to, after being told by his sparkmates, that they were a danger to him, he's been a little just meh..

Author: Guys, Drift and Crosshairs sparkmates or buddies?, Hound is a immediate buddy, he colors me as someone who doesn't swing that way or any way.

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