-chapter two-

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We arrived at Robins house and she went to go make popcorn as Steve went to find the movie and I sat down on the couch. "So what girl were you looking at today?" I question him as he comtinues through the tapes "Uhh...which one?" He turns around slowly making me laugh as I shake my head at him. "Got it!" He throws the tape at me so I can put the movie on.

As we were watching the movie Robins phone starts to ring scaring the absolute sh!t out of us as a jumpscare was about to happen. Robin reaches for it and listens for a minute before handing me the phone "Mike" she states.

"Mike? Why are you calling us?" I ask confused.

"Okay I know you dont like d&d anymore but you know the game well so please, please, please come fill in for Lucas tonight, like right now." He says hurriedly.

"What? Im at Robins and theres no way Im playing that silly game again."

"Silly? Silly. Boys." I hear someone groan in the backround not being able to guess who.

"Please? Ill do your chores for a month! We need you!" He pleads sincerely.

"Fine. Im on my way." I hang up the phone and hop of the couch looking at Steve with sarcastic puppy eyes so that he would hopefully drive me to the Hellfire Club campaign.

I thank Steve and walk up to Mike who was standing with Dustin, one of his best friends. "Alrighty, losers? " I smile at them walking past and into the room where a few other boys are sat whilst Eddie Munson was at the head of the table. My smile falters slightly when we make eye contact, Im not sure why but he never fails to make me feel somewhat nervous.

"Wheeler number two. What a surprise." He gives me a smug grin as Mike and Dustin follow behind me. "Theyre gonna fill in for Lucas!" Dustin looks at me before looking back at Eddie "Look, Henderson. Wheeler." He looked at the three of us with a straight face "Im not here to babysit or teach. Wheeler 2 here is probably only a level four." He looks at me, an evil smile shining under his straight face as the boys at the table start to laugh at his joke.

"Well, Munson. If you can count add ten to that four and youd be correct. Also Im not sure if you remember but Im only a year younger than you, probably less than." All the boys stop laughing and look at eachother as if Id just set off a bomb.

Eddie smiles at me and held out his hand as if to shake it "No thank you. God knows what you touch." I grin at him almost daringly seeing his eyes widen letting his facade slip before grinning at me "Welcome to the Hellfire Club, Wheeler number two." He says in a lower voice before going back to his chair or more of a throne.

Everyones getting tired and worn out by now, the campaign has been intense and everyones damage was at an all time low. "..his skin shrivelled, decicated. And something else..He is not only missing his left arm...But his left eye!" The whole room errupts into shouting and confusion as Eddie yells "But Vecna lives!" He slams down the figurine as we are all in shock.

"I say we fight, to the death." Dustin exclaims as everyone around him agrees and we all start chanting "To the death!" We begin again shortly after everyone taking their turn to attack. Bad hit. Another. Another. Everyone's slowly losing hope so we time out and huddle around eachother "We've got to flee." One of the boys says abruptly I remind them that we said 'To the death' and we all start arguing before Dustin and I decide to screw it since we were the only ones left alive by this point.

He rolls the D20. Eleven. "THATS. A. MISS." Eddie yells shaking his head up and down whilst grinning as everyone else starts to curse and complain. Its my turn and I start praying to the d&d gods to give me some luck, I take the die and start shaking it in my hands as everyones focus is on me, I glance up for a moment seeing Eddie staring straight at me with a concentrated face before finally throwing the dice onto the table. It rolls for what feels like forever before finally. Twenty.

We all celebrate, hugging eachother with big grins. Everyone leaves since Mike was staying at Dustins house tonight we wouldnt be walking together. I stay to help Eddie clean up the room, as we clean in a comfortable silence still giddy about the win against Vecna "You surprised me tonight, Wheeler." I look up to see Eddie standing beside me rather close as he picks up some trash "Well Im just full of surprises arent I ,Munson?" I smile at him before continuing to clean.

As we finish I realise it was getting quite late and start to dread the walk home and almost as if Eddie had heard me himself he asked "Want a ride home?" I looked at him debating to myself since I didnt really know him but I was also way too lazy to walk so accepted his offer. I learnt that we had the same music taste on the way home and that he wasnt much of a talker.

He pulls into my driveway before turning down the music as I look over at him in the darkness. The little light we had hit him in an odd way that made him weirdly attractive and I think I stared a little longer than I meant too "Wheeler..?" I snap out of my admiration trance and quickly stumble out of the car "Thanks, Munson."

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