-chapter three-

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The alarm blared its stupid little noises as I lay flat in my bed wide awake. I hadnt slept all night and this was going to make for one hell of a day.

I did my usual routine, my hair maybe a little rougher than usual but I was feeling extra lazy and headed into Johnathans car not listening to whatever bullshit Nancy and him were spouting today.

I went into my first class, I hadnt even bothered looking for Steve or Robin I was just too tired, I might aswell have not been there. I sat down and layed my head on the desk and waited for class to start before accidentally letting sleep catch up on me.

I got rudely woken up by a hard tap on my shoulder and then being shook. I looked up to find the class completely empty apart from none other than the dungeon master himself, Eddie Munson. I turned my head to look at him, my eyebrows furrowing as the rude awakening still lingered.

"Eddie? Can I help you?" I look at him giving him a sarcastic glare

"Well...No but you look like you could use my help, sweetheart" He looked at me, a genuine look in his eyes that I had yet to ever experience seeing.

"No nicknames. Disgusting, man. And what help do I need exactly?" I yawn a little trying to not fall back asleep.

"Come on, get up and follow me" Eddie held out his hand as if for me to take it but I barely knew this man, why the sudden interest now.

"It depends" I say looking at his open hand and back up at him, meeting his dark brown eyes that remind me of 'molly eyes' making me laugh to myself a little "What exactly are we doing and where are we going?"

He just continued to give me a smile, which I couldnt help but admire his dimples and just all over stunning smile. I reluctantly took his hand and groaned as I stood up letting him drag me to wherever we were headed.

We stopped at a bench table in the woods, I hadn't actually been out here in years and alot of it had become overgrown so it was kind of a private area now.

We sat down opposite eachother as Eddie pulled out a black box and proceeded to hand me a perfectly rolled joint with a big grin growing across his face like a proud toddler. I raised my eyebrow at him, giving him a quizzical look.

"I dont have any money right now, man. Sorry" I say shaking my head and waving my hand at the joint to say no

"Nobody said anything about money, Wheeler. Just take it. You know you want tooo..!" He waved it in my face before smirking at me and jokingly wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at him as I held out my hand so that he would give me the joint. He hands me it before pulling another one out of the same black box and a lighter.

I laugh a little at myself before quietly saying "I cant believe Im skipping to smoke weed with Eddie Munson, the freak of Hawkins High" I smile looking up at him again.

He lets out a quiet laugh before gesturing me to come close with his hands, I lean over the table as he takes the joint from my hand and places it inbetween my lips, lighting it for me before he leans closer to my ear and whispered "We both know youre a freak too, Wheeler."

His breath hit my ear sending a shiver down my spine and I laugh a little becoming slightly nervous and taking a long hit, looking around at the surroundings as a comfortable silence takes place and slowly letting the feeling come over me.

A little while later I find myself hysterically laughing and seeing that Eddie is too, although im not too sure why but it made me happy either way, I hadnt laughed like this in years. After we calmed down a little I realised I was staring right into Eddies eyes and he was doing the same back, just pure silence apart from some birds chirping and us. It was the most peace Id felt in a god awful long time even though it was probably just the weed doing its thing, part of me could've stayed there forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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