Chapter 18: Memory

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Usagi closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She sighed with contentment and relished the warmth of the sun's rays shining down on her face. It was a relief to be outside after a long day in a classroom. Better yet, there was no training today. Just a tutoring session with Mamoru. Never in her life did she expect to be eager to study English. Waving goodbye to Naru and Ami, Usagi set off down the street.

Sensing Luna's presence, she was not surprised when the black cat leapt onto her shoulder. "Isn't it a beautiful afternoon?" Usagi couldn't suppress the smile that stretched her lips.

"Yes, it is." Luna replied, absently. "Usagi...I know school is important, but your training--"

Usagi sighed exasperatedly. "Can I just have one day to be a normal 14 year old girl?! I have the day off and I'm going to enjoy normal girl things like window shopping and even homework." She didn't want to be reminded of her dismal combat skills. Other than her finishing move with her tiara, she didn't possess many offensive skills. Venus had her Crescent Beam and Mercury had her Bubble Spray. Both were useful in a fight. Her? Not so much. 

Even her training with Selene wasn't going well. She still hadn't been able to manifest the shield she'd used the first night they were attacked by Metalia. It had happened in a moment of intense desperation. A feeling not easily duplicated. 

"I understand, but--"

"No buts! I need a break to recharge my batteries. I can't run on empty!" Usagi interrupted. She glared at Luna, her good mood had evaporated. Seeing Luna's downcast eyes, she sighed guiltily. "I'll start fresh tomorrow. You'll get to see Nyx torture me with that orb-thingy for two hours."

Luna gave Usagi a sympathetic smile. "You have been improving with your attack." It hadn't been easy watching her princess get knocked around, even if it was training. It was even harder to see how discouraged she'd been yesterday. Despite her blundering in practice, Luna had faith in her. Through all the tears and frustration, Usagi had never given up. No matter how many times she was knocked to the ground, she still stood up. 

"I probably won't ever be the best fighter, but I'll be able to play a mean game of Ultimate Frisbee." Usagi replied airily, a wry smile on her lips. 

Luna sighed and curled herself more securely around Usagi's shoulders. If she could only see the respect the other Sailor Guardians had for her. Like her previous incarnation, her princess hadn't been able to see the value in herself.

Usagi paused as a pair of sparkling glass slippers caught her eye in a store window. She froze in her tracks, marveling at the beautiful slippers. With the perfect dress and those shoes, she really would look like a princess. "Wear this's perfect...Prince Endymion won't be able to keep his eyes off you..."

Usagi stiffened as a familiar voice echoed in her mind from somewhere in the distant past. Her eyes widened as the glass slippers and the store window seemed to melt before her eyes. In their place, she saw an enormous ballroom filled with light and dancing couples. On the edge of the dance floor stood a tall, commanding figure. Her heart leapt into her throat as she recognized Mamoru's face. No...she corrected herself. Endymion's face. 

His blue eyes scanned the room as if he were looking for someone. For a split second, their eyes met. The smile that spread across his face was like watching dawn breaking after a long lonely night. A smile just for her. Memories of their past were tantalizingly close. If she could just get closer to him, maybe --

"Wow! Those are really beautiful." A voice exclaimed beside Usagi.

Usagi jumped, the vision vanishing from her sight, along with the memories she'd been so close to recovering. Straightening, she opened her mouth to voice her displeasure at being startled when Luna dug her claws into her shoulders. Shrieking in surprise and pain, Usagi pulled Luna from her shoulders. "Luna! Stop that!"

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