Chapter 19: Third Attack

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"Wow! That's cool. You sound like a really hard worker." Usagi exclaimed in wonder. 

Rei shrugged with a modest hair toss. "I think it's important to set goals and work hard to achieve them. What about you?"

Usagi flushed and chuckled sheepishly. "I'll be lucky if I can pass my classes." Especially now, when demons kept popping up trying to kill her. Studying wasn't exactly high on her priority list. "I guess that's why I have a tutor."

Sensing her discomfort, Rei added. "There's nothing wrong with asking for help. Everyone needs help sometimes."

Usagi nodded. "Yeah, Mamo has really helped me a lot." She sighed, her mind going back to the first time they'd faced Metalia in the guise of Mr. Hayashi. Despite being as terrified as she, he'd tried to protect her. He was just like a fairy tale prince. Handsome and dashing.

Rei raised her eyebrows at Usagi's wistful expression. She got the sense that Mamo was a lot more to her than just a tutor. "So what's this Mamo like?"

Usagi's cheeks colored. Had she just spoken her nickname for him out loud? "Uh...he's really smart and kind..." She trailed off. Mamoru was simply incredible. Despite all the chaos going on around them, he made her feel safe. Her mind strayed back to the hallway at HQ where he'd almost kissed her. Her heart raced at the memory. Being with him just felt right.

"Sounds like you really like him." Rei replied, smiling to herself. 

Usagi nodded, face turning a deeper shade of red. "Oh!" She looked down at her watch. She was going to be late for her tutoring session. "I'm late! Sorry. I've got to go!"

Rei laughed. "I'm guessing Mamo? I'll walk you out." As she started to rise, a shudder of fear ran down her spine. The noise from the café faded out. She could sense an evil aura lurking in the vicinity. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was cold, hungry, and headed their way.



Rei snapped out of her trance. Suddenly, the noise from the café was deafening. She stared across the table at Usagi's worried face. 

"Are you okay?! Is there something wrong?" She reached over and touched Rei's hand.

Without a second thought, Rei grabbed Usagi's hand and rose. "We need to get out of here now!" She hauled Usagi to her feet and started for the door. "Hurry! We don't have much time!"

"What are you talking about?!" Usagi protested, trying to tug her hand out of Rei's grasp.

Rei bit back her frustration. "I don't have time to explain. Please just trust me!" She tightened her grip on Usagi's hand. 

"It's okay, Usagi. Just go with her." Luna interjected, dispensing with her cover. It seemed this incarnation of Sailor Mars still possessed psychic abilities. Whatever she had seen or felt should not be ignored.

The two girls stared down at her in shock.

"Luna!" Usagi hissed.

"You can talk!?" Rei's mouth dropped open in shock, momentarily forgetting the urgency of the situation." 

"Later! Just go!" Luna snapped and raced for the door.


Masako screamed and cried, but not a single word passed her lips. She was trapped in her mind by the darkness that had invaded her soul. She could see and hear everything, but was unable to act. She listened to the conversation between Metalia, Mamoru, and Takeshi in disbelief.  Reincarnation? Could it be possible they'd all known each other in a past life?

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