Chapter 25: Abduction

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The Tsukino residence was a happy place. The evidence surrounded Thyst as he wandered through their empty home. Smiling faces filled with love and joy were captured in family photos. He watched two small children slowly grow and mature in the framed portraits he passed. They looked safe and content, secure in the knowledge that darkness could not touch them. Evil had not left its mark upon their family. A cruel smile curved his lips as he paused at a school photo of Usagi. How sweet and unsullied she looked. Utterly captivating. Tracing her smile with a fingertip, Thyst wondered what it would take to taint her sweet innocence.

It hadn't taken much to corrupt Masako Mori's heart and mind. Her inherent jealousy of the reincarnated princess had made it easy to blacken her pure soul. However, Usagi would be a different story. The moon princess was notoriously pure of heart and mind. Then again, the previous incarnation had not spent any significant time in the Dark Kingdom. She was loved and cherished in Silver Millennium and her brief time on earth had not been enough to acquaint her with the darkness in the souls of Man.

 Chuckling to himself, he followed the stairs to the second floor. Princess Serenity's presence was stronger there. He stopped at door where he could sense her presence the strongest. Pushing the door open, Thyst stepped inside her room. It was exactly what he would expect her room to look like. All soft feminine pastels. It was the room of a girl on the verge of becoming a woman. He could almost picture her primping in her vanity mirror before dashing off to school. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply. He could smell the faint floral scent of her perfume. 

Glancing at the clock, he sighed. There was still so much time to kill. He was sure his little gift to the princess had kept the Sailor Guardians occupied. It wouldn't be long now before the princess made her way home. To ensure there would be no distractions, Thyst had put Serenity's lovely human family to sleep. The moment she set foot in her bedroom, he would have his prize. He would take Usagi to Queen Metalia and extract the Silver Crystal. 

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Thyst lay back on the mattress and stared at the ceiling. What did the reincarnated princess think of at night in this bed? Did she dream of her future or her past? What had the previous Serenity dreamt of in Silver Millennium? He chuckled bitterly. He was sure that pampered princess did not even dream of the darkness that befell her kingdom. Just as this princess could not fathom the darkness that awaited her in Metalia's realm. 

"Hurry to meet your fate, Princess." He whispered in the dying light of sunset.


Mamoru took a deep breath and gave Usagi's hand a reassuring squeeze. She looked up at him and smiled, her cheeks blushing a faint pink. Even now, seeing her safe and happy, Mamoru couldn't forget the abject terror he felt when he sensed her in danger and couldn't get to her side fast enough. He was relieved that she had been able to find the last inner guardian to help protect her. Though she gained more control of her abilities each week, it still tied him up in knots to think about her facing demons without him.

"Are you okay?" Usagi asked as they crossed the street. Mamoru had gotten quiet on their walk to her house. He had insisted on walking her home. It seemed he was more shaken by the afternoon's events than she.

"What?" He looked startled as if she'd interrupted him mid-thought. 

She peered up into his face with a worried expression. "Are you okay? You seem distracted."

"Oh...sorry." He raised their linked hands to his lips and brushed a quick kiss over her knuckles. "I guess I'm just a little preoccupied after today."

Usagi bit her lip. They were still not sure what Thyst was up to, but whatever it was couldn't be good. She hated seeing that worried expression on Mamoru's face. Especially when she knew it was due in part to her lack of combat skill. If she were as experienced as the other Sailor Guardians in the past or the present, he probably wouldn't worry over her so much.

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