chapter 7- zzzzleeep OVER!!!

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Ah right, i forgot to mention this before, everyone in this story is around their 20s except for the demons and tang, thats all really , alright enjoy

Also mk is one year older while mei is the same as you.

Oh shit i left my board ahahaha my bad guys


"These kids these days, so reckless i tell you tang cant this pig have a peacefully day without worrying for their safety?"

Where are you?

It feels like your seated on a stool?

That smell, your nose hitch upwards as the heavenly smell of ramen was everywhere, it made the drool leaping from your mouth run more at the smell.

"Looks like someones awake"

Another voice spoke besides you.

Everything felt so sore, muscles almost cramping as you slowly started to stretch from your spot.

The pig demon snorted , arms crossed as he tapped a wooden spoon in hand as he watched the human look around for any explanation how they got there.

Your eyes stopped right by the giant window to the outside, various colorful colors from stores and people went along their day, typicall morning routine in this big city, a groan came out as the memmories from yesterday suddenly hit.


He was at the gym, came out from thin air and demanded her to join his side, her heart felt like stopping as the demon words kept repeating onto her head to betray mk, what kind of bullshit was that!? Another memmory came of the demon being mad and mk coming to save the day...

"Our son told us what happened, we do hope your doing better ms.l/n"

Tang eyes stayed glued onto his laptop as his fingers danced across the keypad, the bright lights outside made the wedding ring on his finger glow brightly, a beautiful carved diamond on the center shining like glass.

You nodded slowly while propping yourself upright, the feeling of soft material slipping made your hands fly on instinct and catch it on time before it fell to the ground.

Mk sweater

"Yes.... thank you mr.tang, where am i?"

"Your at pigsys noodle shop, right close to 59th avenue and megapolis blvd, we heard of your heroic deed by your team and we are thankful of what you and your team has done for this city, if not for you, all of the businesses nearby would of burned down along with my husbands" he smiled.

Pigsy focused was back at his big pot of noodles but his ears perked time to time at the males words.

A tired smile crossed your face "no problem, we are here to help and serve our city afterall!"

Morning went as smooth as the warm and delicious ramen handed to you, mk and his team finally coming back from their break and joining in.

Mk was the first to speak to you and ask various questions regarding your health and fire demon, mei listened intently from behind you as she brushed the tight knots from your head.

You told him stories of your recent rescues and missions during these past few months, mostly all involving the fire demon causing most of them making the hero frown.

"Man, now that i think about it, you seriooously need a real break, if i was you, i wouldn't let that slide" he pouted and plop himself comfortably onto the stool besides you, his long brown locks waved to the side as his head rested on the palm of his hand.

DISCONTINUED three phases of stupidity- Redson x reader x MkWhere stories live. Discover now