Chapter II: April 11, 1483

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I stood before Parliament, patiently waiting for their attention. They were busy drinking and laughing. A very nice way to mourn their king. I cleared my throat loudly. I was getting impatient. I slammed my fist on a near table with as much force I could muster. This was loud enough for Parliament to pay attention. Thank God these bastards did; punching the table severely hurt my fist, but not the point of breakage.

"Thank you," I said through gritted teeth. "Now, why I am presenting myself to you. As you approved as my brother's final request, I am the future King Edward V's Lord Protector-"

"Do you remember that, Geoff?" a member of Parliament asked.

"Not really," that member replied.

I took a deep breath. "Well, I am. I need to protect my nephews at all cost-"

"There's multiple boys?" another member queried.

"Yes," I answered, extremely enraged but keeping all emotions mostly internal. "Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York. He's ten years old and got married to Anne de Mowbray at the age of five (my God, how did you forget that) and she died nearly two years ago-"

"Oh yeah, now I remember that. Don't you remember that, Edmund?" yet another Parliament queried.

"WELL, I CERTAINLY DO!" I shouted, erupting like a major volcano. I took a few deep breaths and gently rubbed my arms, wanting Anne to calm me. After a few moments, I continued, "Will you please not interrupt me now for five minutes? Thank you. I would like to make my brother, the late Edward IV of England, and his wife, Elizabeth Woodville's, marriage invalid. This will protect their children, including the future king and heir apparent. They will be put in the Tower of London under the best protection I can provide and hire spies to keep an eye on Margaret Beaufort, just like the other child kings, until they are of age, though they will become illegitimate.

"I will be ruling England for them by attempting to keep the economy steady and people happy. Not many people will be happy with this, yet at the same time, people hate Edward for marrying the widow of a commoner; a nobody. Plus, their marriage was a secret one and he already had been secretly married once before. That marriage could still be valid."

"All in favor?" the old Parliament member front and center with the tallest hat asked the rest of Parliament. Everyone raised their hands. "Great! The marriage is now invalid. Go get Edward from Wales. Now get the hell out of here and let us get even drunker."

"Yes sir," I replied and bowed, thankful for being able to get out of the courtroom as swiftly as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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