No leads?

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Nate's pov

"Look I know you are the higher ups but I wanna say something. I don't care if you decided to kill me but this is for Ace. You treat him as if he is a slave he's told me how you use him to protect other ppl. He is a person to. You're son but yet you use him as if he's nothing.

   He is a good man a darn good man and yet you all treat him as if he wasn't your family. Ocean treated him like family made sure he didn't have to be a slave to her she told him he is not to do what you forced him to do down there. He took beatings that he could have avoided if you didn't send him down there to watch your children. I care about Ocean and Jer but how come those powerful twins couldn't protect themselves.

  Why does my mate have to be a pawn for you to use at any given moment? That hurts him. He's told me countless times he didn't want me to meet his family because they use him and will probably hate me cause I would be in the way of you treating him as a slave. And for that I hate you!
  I am supposed to worship the Moon Goddess and this is how she treats her own nephew! All the stuff you do for werewolves but him you treat like a worthless piece of sh*t he is something. My everything. He is your only son but he means nothing to you?"

  I screamed all my lungs into that speech and I know they were angry not only by logic but their faces. "BOY DO YOU KNOW WHO-" "Axel." the lady I gonna believe is the Moon Goddess. She looked just like the elders says she looks. Beautiful!

   "He's right you know. Ace we haven't been a very good to him. We make him watch people that are stronger than him. We make him put his life on the line for our benefit but never care about how he feels. Maybe-"

  "My boy is no wimp he needs this to be manly that boy is weak. He's letting some boy for earth dominate him."

"Alex is this because he's gay?"

  "No Selena! That boy is weak! How dare a son of mine let a man stick him the behind. He should be doing the sticking. He should not fall under any man."

  The Moon Goddess laughed. It was an angelic laugh. It was a laugh that comforted you, but I could still hear the sadness of not knowing where her child was.

  "You do this to train him to be a top?"

  "Hell yeah! This fool here uses my son as a bottom.  No family of mine has ever been a bottom."

  She laughed even louder, a bit more sincere now. Wanna know why she's laughing?

  "Actually sir he's ... ummm he's haha..."

  I couldn't say it. We never spoke of this outside the bedroom.

  "He's what BOY?" "Alex he's a dom. Ace is a dom.  He has not failed the family tradition."

  The Underworld King finished for me. Now this is embarrassing. I heard Jer snickering in the back.

  "Jer we do not speak of this! Okay!" He busted up laughing. He fell tryna laugh at me.

  "Selena was he always a dom in all his relationships?"

  She nodded but I grew a little angry. All his relationships? I'm not the type to get mad at a partner for having partners before me but he told me I was the only one he's domed.

"Why are we here dwelling on how you thought your son was a bottom, while my daughter is missing?"

  He's right. We need to get back in task. "We have no leads. We don't know anything. " Selena stated.   "Maybe we should ask the pack everything they know." I added. "I've read their minds. No leads." What are we going to do?

Gorthana pov

When Ocean was hit I quickly took full control before she could allow our body to fall. Right now I can't take the pain she is dealing with if we want to make it out of here alive. She is endorsing all the pain of our body so I can get us a safe exscape. She's dying and I need to get her to some safety. I don't know where we are to even teleport. I can only teleport once cause that will be putting Ocean life on the line.

What do I do? I can't mind link still. And they are still on my tail. I have been running for like some hours and those snakes have yet to give up. We are out of there territory, why still chase us? Unless he really hooked on something he ain't get. A ROAD! It's a road ahead. Finally I have been in woods for so long. Seeing the road I speed up knowing they wouldn't cross here as it was the land of the humans.

  As soon as my feet hit the highway I saw a car heading towards me. I knew the car wasn't gonna hit me so I stared like a human would in this situation. (Dumb if you ask me. They stand there and stare at the car as it approaches. Like jump. Not in the same place out of the way. That's for the dumbos saying "how's that gonna help we're gonna jump over the cars.) (Im just joking.😂😂😂)Just as the car was about to hit me it came to a stop.

Soon enough someone jumped out. "Are you okay miss?" Oh yeah! I'm okay THIS ARROW STICKING OF MY FRACKING HEAD IS NOT BOTHERING ME AT ALL! Idiots! "No... help!" He rushed towards me picked me up and put me in backseat. He was careful enough to lay me on my stomachs so this arrow couldn't dig deeper into my skull. "How did this happen to you?" Yeah it's smart to ask a person dealing with pain some questions. I didn't reply.

I could feel the stares of the snakes on the car. But what got my attention the most is "Daddy will find you princesssssssss." I shuddered . Why does he want me so bad? All the women in the world and he just met me and wants me? Something doesn't add up. AHHH! I feel Ocean's life slipping away. I have to take on the pain now. She can't handle anymore. I slowly started to absorb all the pain she was dealing with and dark started to cloud my vision. All the adrenaline that I had started to fade. Only thing I could hope before everything went black was I hope we survived this.

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