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Ya'll be HONEST with me if this is to much or off let me know cause I don't know how I feel about it yet. I'm just going with the flow. If it's to much say that cause I can change this and make it more simpler. I don't know. Please give me feed back cause I want y'all to enjoy this. I don't want my complicated brain spewing none sense onto a keyboard and y'all reading it confused. I'm sorry carry on reading.


  "Why am I here and Why do you look like that?"

He- I mean It remained. It only pulled a cloth from the pocket of its tuxedo.

It was ignoring me.

"N-no I'm not ignoring you. It just took out a lot of energy from me just then to summon you here. It appears I'm getting weaker quicker than I thought."


"That's a story for another cup of tea. Speaking of tea would like some?"

Just as he said that a cup of tea placed on a saucer appeared before me. The stem from the tea drifted into my nostrils sending chills cradling down my spine.

  "What's in the tea?"

"Hmm. A clever wolf you are. Relax lad it's nothing but something I want you to see. Drink it. Drink it all and you'll know what makes me ill. Why my fate must be so."

The tea reeked of death. Everything in me refused to drink what was in this cup. It was ebony black. A deadly sign.

  I hesitated but logic courses through. If he wanted me dead I'd be dead. He's a god above the Moon goddess there is nothing he couldn't do, so why would he resort to something so debased to kill me?

   I took the cup from saucer placing it between my lip. The smell made my stomach churn in pain. With one more hesitant look at the Sun god I downed it.

  I drank all the tea, but I felt nothing. Nothing at all. It... it tasted like coke

"It was a test. To see if you would trust me even when your very being denied me. My dear boy you passed. Now I will reveal things that you must tell no one. Not even the Moon goddess herself. Do you understand?"

What was going on? Lately everything has been getting heavier. Everything's so complicated.

"Yes everything is complicated but if you'd just allow me to show you, you'd understand much more. Again do you understand?"

"Yes. I understand."

He stuck out his hand as an offering to me. Reluctantly I took it. Instantly I was now in-front of a castle.

"This is my home. My original home. The home where I was born. Even a god has a home. Has a beginning. Come allow me to show you what complicates your life now."

  I followed closely behind him as he approached the castle. I was shocked when I seen him just pass through a door as if it weren't even there.

"You can do the same for it is only a memory of my past."

I hesitantly walked through. I had shut my eyes but when no pain came I opened them.

  No there we hundreds of people running around in front of the castle. Everyone not hiding what they were. Tails swaying in the wind. Ears moving freely upon its owners head.


I was snapped from my gazing by the Sun god grasping my attention.

"We must hurry before little me arrives at the library."

We rushed through the walls as if they never existed. Soon we'd reached what I presume is the library he spoke of.


He pointed to a little boy with his back facing us as his head engulfed into a book.

"There is me. Look at the hat he is reading. For it will tell you all you need to know."

I took a slow step towards but something in me stopped.

"This is why I had you drink the tea. My mind doesn't want you here but you must see what is in that book. No matter what my mind. Throws at you you must look into that book. You must read what is written upon those pages and you have to do it quick.

  I am growing weaker by the second. I don't know how long I can hold this memory because it is fading away from me. Old age is catching to me so quickly read it."

  It was like some one was holding me back.  Each step my body became— heavier. My eyes became to close. I barely kept them open.

  The words were barely visible to me but I was only a step away from discovering it's secrets.

I battled to get my feet to hit the ground but I managed.

  In the book read : "Following the ascent of the 89th Sun god, a time will arise when Tregama, long confined to the depths of the underworld, will emerge to wreak havoc upon the world. None shall possess the power to subdue him, but amidst the abject despair, three guardians will arise. They alone possess the potential to defeat Tregama, but only if they are connected by an unbreakable bond. Should they fail to unite, Tregama will rend them asunder.

Upon the emergence of the three guardians, they shall rule over all the creatures that have ever walked upon earth. The veil of ignorance shall be lifted, and all beings will break free from the shackles of their respective deities. Even humanity, long regarded as the feeblest of all creatures, shall rise up as the mightiest of them all, casting off the limitations that once hindered their minds.

Even the most formidable foes will be imbued with an unparalleled power once Tregama emerges and the three guardians become one. At that juncture, the figures of antiquity shall be reborn in all their glory, even those of the most nefarious intent, long since thought to have passed beyond the veil of existence. Thus, the guardians must gird themselves with utmost care and vigilance, for their task is a Herculean one, and they will face a legion of foes unlike any other before them."

( So basically what was just said means when the chains of Tregama are released everyone will become stronger. Even the Humans. They will become strongest because their minds are their power. The bigger the imagination the bigger the power. Despite this only the three guardians will defeat this demon. All the dead of every creature that died in war will rise again to fight. Even those that are Tregama's side. The three guardians have to be mates to defeat him. Because being mated will unite all of their powers thus making them unimaginably stronger. Also their will be a war. All the other creatures will be fighting off Tregama's people. That's it. I just wanted clear that up incase of confusion.)

It was so much to process that my head began to throb. What did this mean? What was J reading?

  I couldn't fight the darkness any longer. I fell into its wide arms.


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