Part 9

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On the other side of the Hill's foot where Taeyeon and Tiffany were assigned to live they are having a hard time to communicate with each other.

"Hello Ma'am and Sir I'm Tiffany Hwang" Tiffany bowed and greeted them happily, forming her eyes into crescent moons.

"I'm Kim Taeyeon, nice to meet you ma'am and sir" Taeyeon stepped in and Tiffany stepped backward and moving away from Taeyeon. But Taeyeon didn't mind it as she was focused meeting with their assigned family.

"What a beautiful and pretty ladies you are, I'm Choi Siwon and this is my wife Hyomin, my son is currently studying in Seoul and visits us atleast once a month so probably only four of us will be living together. Never think twice to ask us something or if you need any help. And call us eomma and appa as my wife really wished to have daughters" The man ended with a chuckle that earns a light atmosphere.

"Its our pleasure to be with you Mr. And Mrs...... I mean eomma and appa" Tiffany said.

"We must be going now, you two must take first a rest so we'll just let the two of you do the household chores today. Your appa will teach you how to plabt rootcrops tomorrow okay?" Mrs. Choi said and immediately holds Mr. Choi's hand.

As the two left the two latters. Tiffany immediately get the things for her to start to clean things up, busying herself so she won't think that she's with Taeyeon.

While Taeyeon, goes at the kitchen and started to cook their lunch.

"Tiffany please set up the plates on the table, eomma and appa must be here in anytime!" Taeyeon called-out.

"Just do it yourself! And stop talking to me!" Tiffany shouts.

Taeyeon set up the plate before walking towards Tiffany with a disgust expression.

"Can we talk?" Taeyeon said calmly as she holds the arm of Tiffany.

Tiffany yanked her arm away from Taeyeon. "No! And never!"

As the short blonde-hair started to raise her voice Mr. Mrs. Choi called as they were walking in the yard of their house that cause the two to act like nothing happened.

"Eomma, Appa ! Food is ready, lets eat!" Tiffany greeted on her usual happy voice.

They sat across together with Taeyeon and Tiffany sitting next to each other.

They chatted not realizing the water pours hardly outside.

Tiffany finished washing the dishes, she was startled when she saw the latter is walking to approach her.

"Tiffany, I j-just want to talk to you" She heard Taeyeon in her most calm way.

She just stare at her blankly. As Taeyeon was going to touch her she automatically backed off and yelled. "I'm so disgusted when you're around me! Ish! Can't you distant youself from me huh? After that incident my classmates never stopped bugging me about you!"

She ran outside not minding the heavy rain. She want to search where Jessica is and tell her beatfriend how pissed she is.

Taeyeon followed her not also minding the rain that keeps from pouring. She holds the wrist of the eye-smiling girl.

"What is your problem huh? I confessed and you treated me like I have a transmitted disease or something!" Taeyeon said.

Tiffany didn't notice that the latter standing in front of her is already crying.

Who on earth will feel at ease knowing a person around you ignores you like you're going to bite them or what right? Like you'll rape them in public or private places right? Well, that was what Taeyeon's feelings all this time, insulted.... hurt... misunderstood and mistreated.

The eye-smiling girl just stayed on her position staring pissed rather tham sorry to the blonde girl.
Night approached fastly and Tiffany was feeling uneasy. She started to shake
uncontrollably and Taeyeon noticed it. Never minding what happened earlier.

"Hey you okay?" She asked worriedly. Using the back of her hand to touch the latter's forehead.

Tiffany pulls away the hand of the caring Taeyeon. "Leave me alone! Will you?"

Mr. Choi handed a medicine to Tiffany when she noticed how red the face of the girl was. She called her wife to guide Tiffany to lay on her bed.

Mr. Choi and Mrs. Choi needed to leave again in the middle of the night.

Tiffany was sleeping soundly when she shaked again uncontrollably and wincing because of the hedache she is suffering right now.

Taeyeon's POV
I heard Tiffany was wincing in pain and I immediately run to her and hugged her tightly, rubbing her shoulders to ease the cold.

As she stopped from shaking but still wincing in pain. I get the medicine and sat beside her. She stirred from sleeping and I opening her one eye.

"Taeyeon" she called out softly. This was the first time she mentioned my name since the confession.

"Ssshhhhh, Tiffany you must rest and prevent yourself from talking, the rain earlier was probably the cause of this" I told her as I helped her to sit on the ned and lean her head on the wall.

"Here's your medicine Tiffany~ open your mouth now...." she tilt her head telling that she dont like.

"You don't like to be stuck here on the bed all day tomorrow don't you?" She nodded.
"So take this medicine now!" She opened her mouth and took the medice, drinking the water in the glass that I handed her.

I patted her head. "Good girl" I helped her to lay on her stomach again. I got her a bowl with a cold water in it and a towel to put in her forehead. I watched her until she drifts into sleep.

I didn't realize I also drifted to sleep while sitting, leaning my hands in her bed for the whole night.

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