Mall trip

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Mara's POV:
After that night I continued training with Steve to help my powers out and it was helping I could bring myself a glass of water with getting up and I could close my door and lock it from my bed.

One morning I was woken by the sudden weight of Max, Lila, and Jamie on my bed and a white box next to me. "Whyyyy, it's a Saturday Len me sleep" I said into the pillow but was quickly wide awake by one word 'Phone' I sat up as max handed me the box and said "yea we were in the living room when Tony walked in and tossed stacks of cash at us the handed us phones" I snickered and said "you get to keep the money?" Lila started laughing and quickly changed her expression and said "No..." I started chuckling at her and opened the phone box and saw a phone "nice he got me a red phone... with no case..." Jamie then handed everyone separate envelopes with their names on it, I opened mine and said "op- holy shit, that's a lot of money" we all counted out money and we all got 900 dollars, 3,600 total, "oh should we combine the money or keep it separate?" Lila asked but before someone could answer Tony sticks his head in and says "okay look Super Y, it's a free day, y'all have money, who wants to go shopping, this is a one time deal since shit is busy during the week, if it's a yes the Tony express leaves in 6 minutes if it a no then stay" we all looked at each other and we where suddenly getting dressed and rushing out the door into the larger car.

"last time we where in a mall we where chased by the cops" Max said that while we entered the building and looked around, "we should probably get phone cases and wallets" Jamie said as she looked at her phone and then looked back at Tony, Wanda, Sam, and Bucky. "Go crazy" Tony said as he took off his sun glasses. "Where too first?" Lila asked as she swayed back and forth on her heels, "oh I saw a shop with shoes and accessories had just opened, lets go there" Jamie said as she took off with Lila to go to the store. We followed behind and caught up with them as we started looking around. I was searching for a phone case when max came up to me and said "look what I found~" she handed me the lollipops with a evil grin and said "who do you think will eat it?" I looked at the four adults and said "I think Tony, Bucky, and probably Sam, Wanda's too good to eat it" she laughed and said yea I'll get these" and walked away. After I grabbed a phone case that had a cool holographic stars on it with a red line along the sides, and walked over to the shoes and jewelry where Max, Lila, and Jamie where playing around with sunglasses "What the hell are those?" I said while laughing at the neon yellow fire shaped glasses on Lila's face "I can be the next Alicia Keys" I started laughing more as she ever so dramatically started singing 'Girl on fire'. "Oh my god I can't!" Jamie said while sitting on the bench and laughing and then I grabbed pair of black glasses that looked from the Thug life meme and put them on Tony as max played in the background "Damn it feels good to be a gangster" I started laughing even more as I took a picture and sent it to Steve along with a video and he responded with laughing emojis and I was dying even more. After the laughing calmed down I started looking at shoes since mine aren't exactly in the best condition. Yea I tapped the tip of my shoes cause the rubber at the bottom ate at my soles, yea I definitely need some more shoes. I started looking for a pair when a pair of black high tops caught my eye, (hey, I know, nothing special but leave me be) I tried them on and it was a good fit so I was going to get them for sure. "Hey look at these cute friendship bracelets I found" Jamie handed my the small pack of bracelets that said on different charms "The cute one", "the mom", "the smart one", and "the dangerous one" I started laughing as I said "yep, that is in a nut shell" she started laughing as we all met up at the register to pay. Once we stepped out the store Bucky said "you don't want to put on your new shoes" I looked down at my beat up pair and said "Y'know what. Good idea" I sat down on a bench outside a store and slipped into the shoes, it was a good fit, a bit tight but that's just because the shoes are new. "They fit?" Sam asked as he hit a look at the shoes "yea like a glove" I said while standing up and tossing my old pair into the bag. I caught up with my friends as max looked at the bracelets and said "wait who's who?" We all said in sync "your the dangerous one", Max scoffed and rolled her eyes while saying "Ha ha yea" and took the bracelet. Lila took the bracelet that said "The cute one" and then there where two. "The smart one" and "the mom" I looked at Jamie and said "I say Rock Paper Scissors, 4 rounds who ever wins us the mom" we did that and I won 2 round and lost the other two so it was a tie, for tie breaker we guessed a number 1-10 and I guessed 3 while Jamie guessed 7. Bucky's number was 8. "I will take my place as 'the smart one' now" Jamie said while laughing I took the mom bracelet and wore it as we went to other stores. We then went to the food court and ate some pizza but let's just sat we witnessed a crime "who eats Pineapple on pizza!?" Sam said while covering his mouth at the monstrosity Max order for herself, "what's next you pore the milk first and sleep with your closet open" well I'm happy I was recording this conversation "what next is I break my foot off in your little ass if you say something about my food again" Max said that with confidence but sam then said "What ass, cause you don't have one" I covered my mouth to muffle my laughs as I chocked into water and said "Damn! okay that was uncalled for" yea that was good but 'No thanks I choose life'. After we ate we where walking when max abruptly paused and said "remember Spencers" I started wheezing and said "no you can't" Jamie just stood next to me trying not to cry while laughing as Lila added "I think they should see this. It will be priceless" Sam, Tony, and Bucky then said "what is it?" Max said "I think you three should go in first, and go all the way to be back" we followed them in as Sam said "what the helm did I sign up for...", Bucky saying "is this even legal?" Tony adding "how do you know about this place!?" Wanda stood laughing and said "I hope someone got that on camera", "I did!" Lila said showing her phone.

We left the mall and went back to the compound and went through what we got and then I pulled out my old converse and said "can't just toss these..." I got up and said "hey do y'all have a lighter and lighter fluid "yea. Wait why" Bruce asked after answering "I'm gonna... burn... my shoes" Steve got up and handed me the matches and lighter fluid and I went out side. I set my shoes down and doused them in lighter fluid as Max handed me the matches and said "will you do the honors" I looked back and said "I will" I lit the match and said ever so dramatically "well, you've been a good pair of shoes. Kept my feet warm. Made me trip a lot of times, and your destroyed basically so it's time to go... we had a lot of memories together but I have to let you go." I tossed the match and watched as the shoes lit aflame after saying that. Max, Lila,Jamie, and I started laughing at the scene in front of us. I mean at the same time these shoes have been through a lot with me.... I know it sounds dumb but these shoes where like a shell that kept me locked up until now. I ran away in those shoes when I should of let the shoes go.
"My baby girl, I love you in more ways then one. But I can't stay here, if i do it will hurt more. So I need you to let me go. Let me let you go. But don't forget me just remember me...."
-Maria Garrison

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