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Y/n was currently entering the elevator. As he entered he pressed the button for the 8th floor. The elevator went up but it missed the 8th floor and went to the 9th.

Y/n: What the? Did a ghost posses this elevator or something!?

He pressed the button for the 8th floor again and again. Then the elevator door opened. Y/n took a look outside and saw nobody in the hallway.

Y/n: Man if a ghost will jumpscare me I'll literally choke it to death.

As the elevator door was closing a pair of hands stopped it.

Calli: That was really clo-

Y/n grabbed Calli by the neck and pinned her on the wall.

Y/n: Who are y-oh shit sorry Calli.

Y/n was about to let her down until.

Calli: Harder Daddy~

Y/n: Yo Psycho is this on the script!?

Calli: Harder~

Psycho: *sigh* We need the Master of Bonk!

Master of Bonk: The Master of Bonk has arrived. The horny shall perish.

Psycho: Master of Bonk do me a favor, we need to exterminate the horny that is corrupting Calli.

Master of Bonk: It would be my pleasure.

The Master of Bonk unsheathed his bonk blade and exterminated the horny in Calli.

Psycho: Thank you Bonk Master. Ahem! Alright everybody! Ready, set and action!


Calli: That was really clo-

Y/n: Oh hi Calli.

Calli: Oh hi.

Calli entered the elevator.

Y/n: So what were you doing on the 9th floor?

Calli: Oh I had a collab with one of the ID members.

Y/n: Wait what's ID again?

Calli: It's hololive Indonesia.

Y/n: Ohhhhhh, got it.

Calli: Anyways she's actually the newest out of everyone here in Hololive, well her and her gen mates.

Y/n: Got it.

Calli: She actually looks like Gura, she's as dumb as Gura and she's as small as Gura.

Y/n: Wait for real?

Calli: For real.

The elevator made a ding sound and the doors opened.

Y/n: You going to eat lunch?

Calli: Yeah wanna go together?

Y/n: Sure I'll just change my clothes and we can go.

Calli nodded as the both of them went inside their rooms.

A few minutes later he went out wearing a gray jacket with a tank top underneath. Black jeans and green sneakers.

Y/n waited for a while until Calli finally arrived. She was wearing the same clothes she wore yesterday.

Y/n: Alright lets go.

They headed to the elevator. Once they got inside Calli spoke up.

Calli: So I was wondering.... are you available tomorrow?

Y/n: Are you asking me out on a date?

Calli: What n-

Y/n: I'm sorry but I'll have to decline that. I consider you as a very close friend and asking me out right now.

An invisible arrow pierced Calli's heart.

Calli: That's no-

Y/n: And plus you're not really my type..... I kinda prefer short haired girls over long haired girls.

Another invisible arrow pierced Calli's heart again.

Calli: .............

Y/n: Calli?

Calli: I'm ok, I actually didn't mean to ask you out. I was gonna ask if you want to do a collab with Kobo tomorrow......

Y/n: OHHHHHH, I'm sorry I didn't hurt your feelings, right?

Calli: N-No you didn't.

But deep inside her heart was in shambles.

Y/n: Ah that's great.

But deep inside Y/n's mind he knew something was definitely wrong.

The elevator stopped on the 2nd floor and a person stood outside the door.

That person was Suisei.

Suisei: Ah Y/n! Are you............

She stopped mid sentence as she noticed Calli beside him.

Y/n: Oh hi Suisei.

Calli: Wait you know him Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah she's my childhood friend.

Suisei: Actually how do you know Calliope-san.

Y/n: She was actually a really close friend back in highschool.

Suisei: Ah I see!

Suisei walked in the elevator standing to the left side of Y/n.

Suisei: So where were you two going?

Y/n: Oh we-

Calli: We were going to the cafeteria actually!

Suisei: I didn't ask you.

Y/n: She's right, we were going to the cafeteria to eat lunch.

Suisei: Ah I see! Then could I perhaps join the both of you?

Y/n: Oh of course. Subaru is also going to join us.

The elevator door opened as the 3 of them headed to the cafeteria.

They got their food, with Y/n getting a bowl of Miso ramen, mapo tofu, and a small bottle of soju.

The 3 of them were about to sit until.

???: Hey what are you doing sitting on our table you lowly Human!

Y/n: Wha?

Y/n looked up and down and saw a child?

Y/n: Wait did someone lose their child or something?

???: Hey I'm not a child!


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