Chapter 11: the court hearing

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I'm meeting up with Dana today. It's the morning of the court day and she is supposed to prepare me for everything that will happen, and everything we, and especially I need to say.

I hear a knock on the door. "Im coming!" I yell back at the door. Mom is in the kitchen preparing some food. I yell at her "I'll get the door!" Yesterday, when the cops called her she was in shock. She was in such shock that she didn't even want to talk to me.
Me and Dana explained everything. She first thought I was crazy, for thinking granny would do this, and not even that only, also that I would think a ghost would do this. She thought I went mental. And wants to send me to a mental treatment facility.

I cried while she said that and knowing mom and she knowing me, she knew I would never be capable of committing a murder. Especially not Soraya. So she gave me the benefit of the doubt. But she also said she'll accept everything the court says. With pain in her heart. If I'm found guilty, she will not believe me any longer. And she said I'd deserve my time in prison.

I opened the door. There was Dana. The beautiful blonde young girl. I noticed myself blushing. I quickly looked down and told her to come in.

My mom walked towards her. She hasn't met Dana yet. She smiles and sticks her hand out. "Hi, I'm Ellen's mom Jessica." She smiles as they shake hands

"Hi Jessica, nice to meet you. I'm Dana. Here to support your daughter". Dana smiled.
"It's nice to have you here". Mom continued. "Come on in, I baked a cake!" She said pretending to be exited. Well I know that she's damn nervous.

Dana walks in as I close the door and follow her. "Smells Good in here"   Dana says. My mom smiles and offers her a piece of cake. Dana kindly accepts it and we sit at the table, as she opens all her documents.

"Well, your hearing is today" she starts. I play with my hair nervously. She rubs my back in reassurance as if she noticed my nervousness. "This is the statement you made. Do you want to stick to that statement?" She asks. I quickly read it through and nod to let her know I'm fine with that. After all that's what happened.

Dana looks a bit worried and sighs. "You know that it's hard to believe that a ghost did this do you?" She asks. I look her straight in the eyes. "Do you think I'm making this all up too? Aren't you supposed to be on my side?" I ask a bit mad.
"I am on your side. I will try and help you to prove your innocence, but the only way that is possible is if you speak the truth and only the truth. I can't back up any lies". I look at her in disappointment. "Im not lying I swear". She nods. She looks kinda sad. Her reputation is on the line too. But my best friend is dead!
"What are my chances?" I ask quietly. Dana looks at me and stays silent for a while. "I don't know sweetheart". She goes.

As the day goes on we prepare for the court hearing. My mom checks in once in a while to help us and know what's going on. So she can be prepared too for what will happen in court.

Dana stands up about to leave. I look at her shyly. She's so gorgeous. "Ahum" Dana goes. I shake up back into reality. I smile at her awkwardly. "So yeah. I'll see you at noon I guess" I go. She nods and walks away. I stare at her as she walks out into the distance and steps into her car and drives off. Then I close the door.

I went back to my room to wait for the rest of the day until court. I dont even care about court. I miss Soraya. I look at a picture of us together and I smile between my tears. "I love you Soray" I speak to her. "Im so sorry I couldn't save you".

It scared me when I looked up and saw my mother standing in the doorway. She looks sad. Clueless.

"'Mom". I go.
"Yes love".
"Can you please sit with me for a while?" I ask her.
She walks up to me and sits next to me on the bed. She grabs me in a tight hug. Not letting go for 5 minutes. "Oh baby, what is going on with you. Why didn't you tell me anything". She says. I stay silent. "I know you miss Soraya". She says. I look at her. "I miss her so much mom" I say as more tears stream down my cheeks. Mom wipes them off. "Did you really not have anything to do with this?" She continues. It angers me a bit. "Mom. Cant you see me mourning? I lost my best friend. I tried to save her! I knew granny went after her so I sneaked out and didn't tell you because I didn't want to worry you. I swam in a pond to save her! I tried to resuscitate her! Why would I do that if I had anything to do with it. Why would I call the emergency number! Please tell me you believe me! Please!" I look at her not noticing my cheeks are all wet from tears, my eyes are itchy. I look at her and see tears falling down her cheeks too. "I do believe you darling. That you didn't had anything to do with it. That you tried to save her." She says between her tears. "But it couldn't have been granny. We have to find out who it was and I don't want to loose you in prison!" She continues crying. "Honey, there's something not right in that beautiful head of yours" she says sadly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2020 ⏰

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