Chapter 4 Starting of somethig

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Draco was walking to the class with his friends. He couldn't stop thinking about the encounter with Harry at the Astronomy Tower.

Why did he say that? " Let's stop being enemies " . Why? Did he really meant that? Well it wasn't like i wanted us to be enemies either. I was the one who wanted us to be friends in the 1st Year. But then he rejected my hand and that made me hate him. After that i never imagined we could be friends. But now he--

Draco's thoughts were cut off by Harry who was coming from the opposite direction.

That's when the most unexpected thing happened.

Harry looked at him and smiled while passing him.

Draco stopped walking.

Wait, what was that? He smiled at ME ? He is possessed. Draco thought before walking away.

Draco Pov

He was acting weird in the class too. He was not looking at me with his usual glare. It was different. Ohh bloody potter don't look at me like that. We're not friends.

Harry was in the common room with Hermione. Ron had already gone to bed.

Harry, did you apologize? Hermione asked without looking from her quill.

Yeah, hermione. I did. But i don't think he forgive me. He didn't say anything at all. I said thinking about that day when Malfoy walked away without saying anything.

It"s ok, Harry. You did what you had to do. Now it's his choice to forgive you or not. You don't need to worry about that, okay? Hermione said. Now looking at my face with a questioning look.

Okay. It's late. I should go to bed. I said and started getting ready to go to my dorm when Hermione said something which stopped me on my tracks.

You did something wrong, Harry. But you don't need to get too much involved in it. It might cause you trouble later. By the time i looked at her she already went back to her book.

He said good night and went to his dorm.

I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about what Hermione said earlier. She was the one who wanted me to apologize. And now that i am making up for my mistakes she is saying that i shouldn't? It's not fair. I feel like what i am doing is right. Even though i don't know why. Talking to him, it doesn't feel bad anymore.

That's when i looked at the map. And saw that like always he was in the Astronomy Tower. I was deciding whether i should go or not. I am not gonna sleep. So it won't hurt.

I took my invisibility cloak and went to the Tower.

There he is. Sitting on the ground in the same position like i saw him the other day. But this time he wasn't crying. He was thinking about something. So i cleared my throat to get his attention. But he didn't startle. It was like he knew i was gonna be there.

Miss me, Potter? Draco smirked while looking up at me.

Umm no. I was just -- uh i couldn't sleep, so i thought just going for a walk might help. I said which was partially true.

Me too. Nightmares.He said looking up at the sky. Looking lost.

I have nightmares too. Every day. That's why i don't sleep that much. It's better to not sleep that having those nightmares. I said and really meant it.

This time Malfoy looked at me and said with a smirk. Ahh that's why you look like a ghost everyday.

I laughed. Yeah, i guess. I said and when i looked at him there was a small smile on his face. But it vanished the next second.

Are you okay ? I asked him. He was taken aback by that question.

Yeah, why wouldn't i be. He said

But his face said otherwise.

Yeah okay. You know that i didn't mean that, right? I asked. Looking carefully at him.

Mean what, potter? He asked with a frown.

The day at the bathroom. I know i shouldn't have said that. He shifted on his seat.

Yeah, i know. If you knew what that spell could do you would've used it against me a long time ago. He said jokingly.

I smiled. You know if i could take it back i would've done it. I said meaning it.

It's okay, Potter. It's not like you killed me. He said getting up from his place.

I"m sorry. I muttered.

Hmm. You should go back to your dorm before anyone sees you. He said going towards the door. Good night, Potter.

Good night. I said looking at his back.

After he was gone i took my invisibility cloak and went back to the dorm. And after that i felt more relieved than ever.

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