Chapter 14 Confession

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Draco wake up usually. But he didn't sleep much that night. He was only thinking about Harry. He thought about all the actions of Harry when he is with him and decided he should ask him this as soon as possible. Even though he is all cool about this it'll be a lie to say he is not nervous. This is all new to him. He have never been in love with anyone before nor did he confess. So he has been practicing in his head how to ask him out.

When he went to The Great Hall like he imagined Harry wasn't there. Harry's not a morning person. So he waited for him. Even after some hours harry didn't show up. So Draco decided to go to Gryffindor common room and ask someone about him.

No one was coming out of the common room. Since he didn't know the password he could only wait. Then after sometime a first year came out. Draco rushed to him and asked.

Is Harry Potter there?

That boy caught off guard for a second. He was also confused why Draco was looking for Harry. But he didn't say anything about it. Instead he replied.

I don't know. But if you want i will go and check. He said nervously.

Draco nodded at him and he went in.

After sometime that boy came back and said he couldn't find Harry anywhere.So he asked someone and that person said he saw Harry going out a long time ago but didn't see him coming back.

Draco thanked him and decided to check every other place Harry would've gone to. But he couldn't find him anywhere. At this time he was a little worried. Some hours ago he was really nervous and excited but now it is replaced by worry. He thought for a second and decided to check a place where Harry might be gone.


Draco Pov

When i couldn't find him anywhere. I thought to check there too. Now I'm going to Our Hope. If he is not there then I don't know where to find him. And I don't want to think about it either. Now i just want to see him.

When i got there I checked some places we went together. And then went to the big tree. That's when i saw a figure lying on the ground under the tree looking at the sky. I let out a breath of relief after seeing him. I was feeling different kinds of emotions in this situation. I was happy that he is okay but angry at the same time that he made me worried sick. I stucked to the ground for a moment before rushing to his side.

Harry... I called him before sitting on my knees beside him.

He was surprised to see me. So he sat up quickly. Draco, what are you doing here? At this time he asked a stupid question.

Nice question. You disappeared for hours without telling me. So what am i supposed to do? Do nothing and sit back? I knew that you would be here. I said even though i was a little scared before but now after seeing him my confidence came back. Now tell me why did you come here all of a sudden without telling me?

He thought for a second before saying. I'm sorry Draco for making you worried. It was hard for me to accept some things. But now i do. So Draco i need to tell you something. But uh I don't know how to say it. I just i~

He was really nervous so he was stuttering. So i interrupted him and asked.

Do you want to go out with me? I was also nervous but not more than him.

He widened his eyes because of the shock. I know it is sudden. But I didn't know how to say it otherwise. I said

I uhh why? He asked me gulping.

Are you dumb Harry Potter? Because i like you ofcourse. And i know that you like me too. I said

Huh but how did you know? He asked me it's like he was really shocked he couldn't think properly.

I'm not that oblivious to not get your signs Harry. Actually i had a doubt before. But after seeing you now and thinking about what you said that day all add up and i understood it. Don't you like me ? I asked him softly.

He was trying to find words. And all of a sudden~

I love you. He said. I didn't expect him to say it like this so i was a little surprised. But i recovered from it and smiled. I couldn't believe this is happening right now.

I love you too, Harry. I said causing him to smile back. We looked into each others eyes with every love we've got. Then i asked

Can i?

He nodded smiling. I'm living for that smile.

I cupped his face in my hands and slowly leaned closer and closed the little gap between us. We closed our eyes unknowingly when our lips touch. My stomach filled with butterflies.

The kiss was slow but passionate. I want him to know how much i love him. We moved our lips rhythmically. If i could stop time i want it to stop now. I'm loving this moment.

His taste lingered on my mouth even after we parted. We looked at each other. A small smile still lingering on our lips. We didn't have to say anything. But understood everything just by looking at each other.

I kissed his forehead and leaned closer so that our foreheads could touch. We stayed like that for who knows how long. But the only thing i knew was that this is the best moment in my life and that I'll never forget this. While we stayed like that i promised Harry without saying anything that I won't let you down. I will always love you.💖


This is not the end of their story. This is just the beginning. They have a long journey ahead of them. And let's hope that how many hardships they might have to face, they'll always stick together and fight it all with everything they've got.

With love
- Me

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