Chapter 14

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Vic took a deep breath before entering the cafeteria. She glanced at all the familiar faces, trying to spot the one with the long wavy hair, fringe, and beautiful smile. But all she saw was Steve, waving like a crazy person.

'Hey, what's up Steve?' she said while walking up to him standing in line for the same old pizza and fries. 'I haven't seen you all day, what are you up to? Spending time with the douche and the freak?', he said in a sarcastic tone. 'Hey, don't call him that!' she called out. 'Which one?', Steve laughed.

'Ugh, I don't know, both of them, I guess. Although, both names kinda fit.', she smiled. 'But right now I am looking for the freak, did you happen to see him anywhere?'

'Again, ditching me for him, I see. But yeah, I think I saw him behind the school before lunch.' Steve said, again with that disappointed, almost jealous tone. 'Don't worry, I'll be all yours soon enough. I'll call you later to decide on a day, 'kay?'. 'Yeah sure, see you later'.

Vic knew where to find Eddie, the second Steve mentioned that he saw him behind the school. He must be at the secret spot in the woods. She almost ran outside and followed the same trail as the day before. Shortly after, she heard voices from the spot, where she met Eddie yesterday.

She slowed down and watched Eddie talking to a girl from a distance. She could not believe her eyes, when she realized who the girl was. Angela. What was this bitch doing with him again? They laughed a lot and seemed to have a good time. Vic felt a stabbing pain in her heart. What the hell was that? Why did it hurt like that? It's not like they are a couple, but she still felt the feeling of jealousy coming over her.

She was just about to enter the scene and interrupt their little chitchat when Angela suddenly grabbed Eddie and pulled him in for a kiss. He did look shocked at first but did not seem to mind it too much.

Tears filled Vic's eyes as she quickly turned around and ran off. Yeah, she said something mean in the presence of Billy, but why would he just walk around kissing Angela after being with her the night before? She did not expect Eddie to be like that, she thought he was different.

Before leaving the forest, she gave herself a little pep talk reminding her that she did not need a guy like him and that if he acted like that, he was just not worth her time. Although her brain knew that she should just get over it, her heart did not want to.

The rest of the school day, Vic tried to not think about Eddie at all. She hung out with Steve and Robin in the hallway, making jokes like back in the day. That was also when she heard that they were working together in an ice cream shop. 'You need any more helping hands? I could use the cash', she asked, hoping for an opportunity to spice up her monthly allowance.

'I can definitely ask, I have to work today so I can let you know tomorrow!', Steve said, visibly excited about the thought of working together with Vic.

'Oh there is your new best friend', Steve said in an annoying tone, while looking past her. 'Who?', she said while turning around. 'The freak, but why is he with Angela?'

She quickly turned around towards Steve and Robin. Eddie was the last person she wanted to see right now.

'Hey Wheeler, can we talk?' she heard his voice behind her. 

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