Figuring out

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Hyeri's POV

I woke up really early today because I'm on duty.

Right now I'm cleaning the classroom by myself, While the other people who are in duty didn't want to clean.

While I was cleaning I checked the list of student on our board.

"Hmm.....Where are the kim's? Ah here.... Kim Ji Jongin......Kim Jong dae......Kim Junmyeon....Kim Minseok....last one....Kim Woo Bin!"

"Yah! Pabo, Why did you leave early?!"Jongsuk said from the door going to his seat.

"Uh.....I have duty today and I wanted to find---"

"Hey Jongsuk!"Woobin said and placed his hand around Jongsuk's Neck.

Jongsuk just gave him a bored face.

Out of a sudden I remeber what happened yesterday when I met him and his bodyguard.

I slowly tried to escape but he noticed.

"You! Stay where you are!"Woobin said and was going near me.

"Uh....."I signaled Jongsuk to help but he just smirked and went to his seat.

"Traitor!"I muttered .

"I gotta go, see ya!"I ran to exit the classroom but it ended bad once I accidentaly hit someone.

"Mianhe....."I said and bowed.

I looked behind me and saw woobin coming closer.

I tried to run until the person whom I hit grabbed my wrist hardly.

I looked up to see him......."Jaehyun?!"I said with a worried expression.

"Yah, Jaehyun don't let her go!"Woobin said and ran to us.

God Please help me........

"Thanks jaehyun....., now you! I need to know your family name again."Woobin said with seriousness in his eyes.

God Please.....

"Yah, its time already kaja!"Jongsuk said out of no where and went to the classroom.

Woobin along with jaehyun followed jongsuk without any hesitation.

"I'll just have to ask you later."Woobin said.

"Phew...."I muttered.

I was about to go in until....

"You!"A guy said pointing to me.

""I said.

"Do you remeber me."He smirked.

"Uh....Do I?"I confusely asked.

He placed out a fist slowly opening.

I placed a shocked face on.


He gave a smile. "Hello Hyeri-ah."

I smiled and hugged him directly

"Yah, I miss you too but keep distance ok."He said and we parted.

"Lets go in."I said and we went in.

3 hours past

"Everyone please procced to the Gym for P.E class."Our P.E  teacher said.

We went to the gym.

I noticed Sehun being with a group of other Nine guys.

Once we finally made a circle by gender we started playing dodgeball.

Story of my life (Lee Jong suk, Kim Woo bin, Ahn Jaehyun, and Exo) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now