Vroom Vroom

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Here I am, again, at around 11PM when I'm supposed to be asleep. But my stupid brain can't stop thinking about this so ta-da! Enjoy.


UA was having a day off, to help students relive stress and to simply relax.

Or so they said. Katsuki knew the truth. Somebody clogged all the toilets. All of them. Somehow. But it was much better than another villain attack.

Conveniently, Kariage had a competition on that same day. A motorcycle race.

That really doesn't sound as cool as it actually was, Katsuki mused. The first few times he'd ridden, it was kind of terrifying, but in a good way? Like going on a roller coaster, you hate it and yet you love it. Katsuki tended to look foreward to all the times he'd get to ride Kariage.


NO. No, he didn't mean ride Kariage, he meant ride his motorcycle.



Thank god nobody was reading his mind.

Moving on, after hearing about UA's day off, Katsuki made plans to go to the race and watch Kariage completely dominate it.

Of course, his idiots tried to invite him to go out with them but he simply declined, with a polite "Shut the fuck up before I blow you to space, I have plans. And they're none of your business!" Maybe Katsuki needed to work on that, actually.

Hm. Nah.

Alas, that was the struggle of being Katsuki Bakugou.

Kariage was great at motorcycling. Great was an understatement. He was brilliant at what he did. Honestly, Kariage made it look so damn easy.

If Katsuki said no to coming to the race, he was sure Kariage would sulk and mope about it for ages. Not that Katsuki wanted to say no. He did really enjoy this kind of stuff. Not that he'd admit it out loud, but yeah, he did like it.

So here Katsuki was, in the crowd. Waving a giant thing saying "Go Kariage!" Kariage himself insisted that Katsuki waved it around, like Katsuki was his fan. Which he was, so he reluctantly agreed. God, Katsuki hoped nobody recognised him - that would be beyond embarrassing.

Buried deep down, Katsuki was.. worried. Motorcycling was dangerous, and racing was even more dangerous. Kariage was always careful, or so he'd say, but Katsuki couldn't help but worry.

Groaning, Katsuki had one thought. Feelings suck.

The race? Well, he had absolutely no idea how it worked. So whenever Katsuki saw Kariage zoom across the line, he'd cheer. What else could he do? Besides, contrary to popular belief, Katsuki was a good boyfriend.

"And here it is, ladies and gents! The final round! Buckle up, because this is going to be real fast! Keep your eyes peeled for whoever you're cheering for, folks, because chances are, they'll be going to fast you won't even be able to see them!" The announcer beamed. The guy was awfully cheery and.. wow. He was like a Shitty Hair 2.0, Katsuki realised.

Tearing himself away from his thoughts, Katsuki trained his eyes on the familiar orange and black motorcycle. Kariage had really designed it after his hero costume, and to be frank, Katsuki found it flattering.

He'd never admit it to his face though. That's a whole new story.

And holy shit, Mr 2.0 was right, the racers were so damn fast - it was hard to see who was who, it all just looked like a blur of color. These racers were fast. That or Katsuki had to see an eye doctor.

Rather than straining himself by looking for Kariage through the blur of colour, Katsuki glued his eyes to the finish line.

Come on, Kari, you can fucking do this.

"And there it is, folks! The winner, Number 7-2-9! Otherwise known as, Kariage!!"

"LET'S FUCKING GO!!" Katsuki jumped out of his seat, grinning from ear to ear. He looked straight at Kariage, and boy, was he hot. His hair was just slightly wet from the sweat that had clung to his forehead. Katsuki didn't know why, but that was hot.

Making his way to Kariage, Katsuki grumbled at how multiple people shoved past him. They should learn some fucking manners.

"Babbee!" That smug little voice called, "Did you see me? Or was I too fast for you?"

Katsuki glowered at him. Cocky little shit. "Shut up, I was going to congratulate you, but clearly you don't want my-"

"Wait, no! Please, congratulate me! Pretty please with a winner on top?" He was doing puppy eyes now. Such a child.

"Congrats. I knew you'd dominate those extras." Katsuki rolled his eyes, "There, happy?"

"Very." Kariage snickered. Sheesh, he never got tired of Katsuki did he? Perhaps that's why they got along so well. Kariage just knew how to keep up with Katsuki.

"You also fucking stink." Katsuki commented when they were heading back home.

"Baby's so mean to me.." Kariage pouted back. "It's not like you don't stink either! I rubbed my stink onto you."

This was his very subtle way of saying 'let's shower together - :)'.

"Fine." Katsuki snorted.

Then they found a castle and grew cotton candy from the grass and unicorns came to give them sparkly nuts and they lived happily ever after.

The end.


I had so much fun writing this. Also, I've riden a motorcycle once before and it was like Katsuki described - terrifying but also so fun! Like, I was terrified that I would fall off or something, but it was just so fun! Like the feeling of whipping through the wind and just going so fast-

Wow. Did I just start rambling? About the one and only time I was on a motorcycle? Two years ago?

Yes, yes I did.

Lmao, anyway I do hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I loved writing it.

Endgame KariKatsu 💪

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