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Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it! I personally don't, but meehh. This is pretty much just a filler lol.


Katsuki took a deep breath. It was gonna be fine, right? Like, what was the worst that could happen?
Great. Now he was overthinking. Whatever.

He didn't understand why he was overthinking. He knew Kariage would love the gift, so what was the fuss? Well, he didn't know if Kariage would love the gift but he knew the other would be content with a rock as a christmas, yeah. Anyway, part of Katsuki was curious about what Kariage got him. It was probably something either really dramatic or really sweet. Maybe a bit of both? Eh. You never knew what the hell it could be with someone like Kariage.

The gift he was going to give was a bit more of three things in total, and those three things were a secret. For now, at least.

A small speckle of snow fell onto Katsuki's nose, and embarrassingly, he sneezed. Aggressively wiping the snow away, Katsuki blushed and grumbled under his breath. Nobody fucking saw that; not even you, okay? OKAY?

Of course, just then, he heard a bout of barely stifled laughter. Katsuki whipped around with a glare only to see Kariage. It didn't matter who it was, he had the audacity to laugh!

He stormed right up to him and pinched his cheek, "You dick!" He huffed, blushing just a tad more. Nobody noticed, thankfully.

"I may be a dick, but we all know you love that dick!" Kariage sang with a shit-eating grin. The idiot he was. "Anyway, here's um, your gift." He said, a total mood swing. It was weird seeing Kariage nervous but it's fine.

Kariage carefully gave him a parcel wrapped in orange Santa stuff and to be honest, it made him smile. Just a little, though!

As he opened it, a glimmer was seen. A gem, he guessed, feeling all happy and sappy inside. Once he finally took the gift into his hand, a big grin latched onto his face. Kariage got him a fucking Ruby Necklace. "It's fucking beautiful.." He gazed up at Kariage, "Thank you.. Kari."
Kariage seemed to swallow up the praise in seconds, flexing, "I knew you'd like it!" He smiled back. "Now, hand me my gift, dear!"
Rolling his eyes, Katsuki plopped his own gift into his hand, feeling awfully nervous. No, he didn't really show it but he was still very anxious. You can't blame him though.

Time seemed to go slower than a fucking snail as Kariage slowly opened the blue wrapping to reveal-



Anyway, I split this into two parts because today isn't Christmas all over the world yet so just wait til tmr! Also I'm really lazy.

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