Bakugou Katsuki is Many Things..

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HEYY.. so it's been like a week and a bit now. Life has been.. okay. My dad seems to have laid off for a while but my mum has become even more rude and annoying.

It's 10PM, I just saw the blood moon/lunar eclipse thing (Australia) and here we go!


(Middle school)

Bakugou Katsuki is many things. That is true. But there are many ways other people might describe him. Some say he is cocky and rude, while others call him strong, powerful and confident. He himself would say he's pretty much amazing.

Bakugou Katsuki is many things, but he is not in love with some dumb [hot] extra. Especially not with someone named Kariage. He refuses to believe that he could even fall in love. He doesn't need love, anyway. All he needs is himself; that's how it's always been.

So why does he care so much now?

He knows, okay, he knows it's simply put; stupid

But Bakugou Katsuki is many things, but he is not stupid. He has never been stupid. Perhaps naive at most when he was a child..but that is to be expected. He has excelled in every subject possible. He is not stupid. It's quite the opposite, really. Some might even call him a genius.

So why can't he figure this out?

At this point, he feels as if Kariage might be trying to kill him, because every time he sees the other, his heart starts pounding faster than Deku can cry. It's so weird and yet it feels so.. so.. nice.

Bakugou Katsuki is many things, and yes. Yes, he is not the best at feelings. He takes pride in how he can acknowledge some weaknesses of his to himself, at least. But it doesn't matter; he's pretty much the best already.

But if he's the best, why can't he figure out what Kariage is doing to his heart? Why? Why can't he?

Just the thought of the dark haired boy makes him feel.. well, it makes him feel feelings. It's all so confusing. He has never experienced anything like this before, or at least to this extent. He chuckles softly - which would surprise many, including himself - and he remembers. He remembers all those tacky romance story's his father had.

Bakugou Katsuki is many things indeed, but he is most definitely not in love.

But the symptoms don't lie, do they? Perhaps they are a lie though.. Maybe it's all just a cruel joke. It can't seriously be true, he believes, because he does not fall in love.

Yes, Kariage was good looking, charming, kind, sweet, smart, funny and compatible with him but that didn't mean anything. It was just a coincidental friendship that just so happened to work extremely well.

He was probably just overthinking. Contrary to popular belief, he did overthink often. Kariage picked up on that surprisingly quickly. Another stunning quality of his-

Why did every thought he had end up with Kariage worming his way into it?

Bakugou Katsuki's is many things but he is not a.. a lovesick boy in middle school. He refuses to believe that he has sunk so low from his true goal; being The No.1 Hero. In the past, that was all he could think about, and yet now? Now all he thought about was Kariage.

Sometimes he fell asleep thinking about the other boy.

Sometimes he would be in a daze, after simply seeing the other one.

Sometimes he lost track of time and space when he stared into Kariage's ethereal eyes.

Sometimes he had moments where he'd be stuck in one single train of thought about Kariage.


Kariage, Kariage, Kariage. What has this boy done to his mind? Previously, he was single handedly focused on studies and training. But now, he was changing his schedule just so he could hang out with Kariage! 

God. It really did sound like his fathers cheesy romance books.

Bakugou Katsuki was many things, but he was not a main character in a romance story.

Was this love? Was it, truly? Or is it a phase?

Questions swarm into his head and countless hours are wasted trying to find logical reasons to his feelings. This is silly. He was definitely overthinking, right?

He really did sound like a main character. Maybe he was; he was strong enough to be one.

Could he really be one though, if he couldn't even figure out his own feelings for one single boy? A dry rasp escaped his mouth. No, no. He definitely wouldn't be able to.

So then..he had to stop these dumb feelings. Even though those dumb feelings made him feel special and warm inside. Even though he didn't really want them to go away..

Bakugou Katsuki was indeed many things, and maybe — just maybe, he was in love.


Yay! If you couldn't tell, I tried to do a different style of writing. A bit deeper or some crap?? Hah.

Anyway, tell me what you think in the comments and I hope you enjoyed! 11PM now :p

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