Café Crush

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Wooahh only like 3 days and another update??

Haha, take this as an apology for not updating for ages and then just throwing angst at you all.


Katsuki wasn't normally a simp, okay?

Sure, he might've simped once or twice, but he wasn't usually a simp-at-first-sight guy. Mina would probably disagree though. Scratch that, she'd definitely disagree. Lady Alien claimed he was the King of Simping. Katsuki would deny it of course. But for the record, he was a king.

Either way, here he was. Sitting in some stupid godforsaken cafe, pretending to read the menu while in reality he was literally simping for the cashier guy.

Huh. Maybe Lady Alien was right.

But God, this guy was fucking hot. Katsuki hoped he wasn't going red, but this guy was so fucking hot.

It was just impossible to explain his hotness.

The cafe in question, however, was pretty shit. Pretty much nobody liked it; but of course, the idiots in the self-proclaimed 'BakuSquad' wanted to have a tutor session because of the exam coming up next week. And then they canceled only after being an hour late.

Katsuki was going to fucking murder their asses on Monday.

The good thing was that after 31 minutes of waiting for his dumbass friends to come, the hot cashier guy came in for his shift. Yes, yes, Katsuki knew he should've read the guys name tag but it was in fact simp-at-first-sight. 

So looking at someone's name tag while going ruby fucking red wasn't exactly the best option, if you wanted to keep your dignity intact.

Nothing would change the fact that Katsuki had been very legitimately reading the menu for almost an hour. That chipped off a decent chunk of his dignity; fake reading the menu while simping for a random dude—

"Hey there, cutie. You've been reading the menu for a while — you good?" The same exact hot cashier guy who Katsuki had just been thinking about asked, popping up out of literal nowhere.

Katsuki blanked for a solid 3 seconds, before getting himself together, "It's none of your damn business.." He took a second to look at the name tag, "Kariage." He mocked, internally cringing. This was a great way to snag someone's number.

A fantastic way.

"Feisty, eh?" Kariage chuckled back, unaffected. Not a first for Katsuki, to have someone to not be warned off by his attitude, due to his stupid 'squad' insisting to be his friends for half a year before he gave in. 

But.. it was nice.

 "No comment? Shame. Anyway, I'll make you an extra special coffee; you look like you need it.. and it's also 8am. Nobody can sanely be awake at this time without coffee." Kariage swished his work apron a big, writing down some shit in a notepad before waltzing off.

"Stupid.. little.. shitbag.." Katsuki muttered under his breath, before pausing. Did he really look that bad? A small wave of insecurity washed over him, before being pushed very, very deep down. He didn't have time to deal with this.

To be honest though, the cafe itself wasn't that bad. Despite all the bad reviews and hate, it felt pretty cozy. Of course, Katsuki was yet to try any if the food or drinks, but so far so good.

Kariage wasn't a bad name. Kariage.. Kari, maybe, if they ever got far enough to have nicknames for each other maybe.

Andd fuck. Was Katsuki becoming some middle-school boy with a crush?

 No. Nope, never ever, no.

Grimacing, he looked around. Nobody else was here. Kinda awkward, to be at possibly one of the worst cafes on the block all alone. Very awkward, actually.

'Cutie'. Katsuki's brain finally caught up to reality. Kariage called him cutie. Cutie.

Was he overreacting or some shit? Frowning, Katsuki thought some more; he doubted Kariage would go around calling everyone cutie. Did this mean..

Katsuki actually had a chance with him?

It took a fair amount of internal restraint to avoid jumping up in the air, pumping a fist up. It also took a fair amount of physical restraint to not scream "HOW LONG IS THIS TAKING, YOU BULLFUCK?" Hn. What did this say about Katsuki?

It said he was a fucking King, end of story.

Of course, life was awfully convenient, almost as though it was a fictional story being written by someone, and Kariage's [hot] voice called out, "Uh, to.. yeah, The Blonde Cutie? Your extra special coffee is done!" He sang.

It took a lot for Katsuki to stop himself from going red from embarrassment, and to not smack the guy down a peg or two. He stomped towards the pick-up table, snatched his drink and stormed back to his table. Yeah, maybe he wasn't the best at first impressions.

Sighing, Katsuki glanced down at his so-called special coffee. Part of him was still hung up about Kariage, while the other part wanted to know what made it so special.

Grimacing, he repressed the shit feelings down and inspected his drink. "This better not be poisoned or something.." he scowled. Katsuki paused as his noticed it had a piece of badly ripped paper stuck on the side.

Damn idiot couldn't even do this right? He scoffed; this cafe was garbage.

And then, of course, he noticed the writing and numbers:

'Hey, Cutie (^з^)'

'Wondering if u wanna go out sum-time??'

'Bet u do lol'

'xx-xxx-xxx-xxx : call me ;)'

Katsuki proceeded to smash his face on the table. Somehow, instead of him asking Kariage out, Kariage asked him out. God, that felt so embarrassing.

But, hey, at least he got his number. It was hard to deny all the stupid warm feelings gathering in his chest, too.

Either way, Katsuki got what he wanted.

[The coffee wasn't that bad either..]


I started writing this in the 13th, gave up, picked it up again on the 14th and almost finished but fell asleep, and now I'm back on the 15th at 10:45pm!

Kinda long-ish?? Idk. Hope you enjoyed this NON-ANGST stuff <33

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