Chapter 3

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       As the princess of Sulkiri, Lia needed to marry someone who also had royal blood. That means if she didn't find a prince she loved she would have to marry someone she didn't want to.

      Lia was going to meet some princes later that day. She needed to talk to each one of them, get to know them and then choose which one she wants to marry.     

     When she entered the ballroom, she saw five princes lined up.     

     The first one had long blonde hair and brown eyes.    

    "Princess Lia, I am Prince Minos from the Kingdom of Gavaria"     

     "It's an honor meeting you, Prince Minos"    

     "The honor is mine, Princess Lia" said the prince.      

     The rest of the meeting went the same.     

      "I think there is one more prince who is not here, am I right, William?" The king asked his right hand man after the last prince presented himself.     

     "You are correct, your majesty. Prince Kian is missing."     

     At the same time, the big doors opened and a tall boy came running in. "Man, he's hot" Lia thought. He had brown, messy hair and brown, beautiful eyes.     

     "Am I late?" he asked.    

    "You are" Lia's father responded.   

   "My biggest apologies, your majesties"    

    "It's okay, everyone makes mistakes" the queen kindly said.   

    "Princess Lia, this is Prince Kian from Vitalis Kingdom"    

    "Nice to meet you, princess"   

   "Nice to meet you too, Prince Kian"     

    After the meeting, Lia went to find Zuly.    

    "How did the meeting go?"    

    "It was good..." Lia didn't want to tell Zuly about Kian. She didn't want to have hope. Didn't want to believe she found someone perfect for her. A prince she loved. That meant they could get married. But there were many things to consider. What if Kian didn't like her back? What if he had someone else on his mind?    

     "What are you not telling me?" Like always, Zuly could tell when Lia was lying.    


    "Spil it out, bestie"    

    "There is this prince... His name is Kian"    

    "Someone has a crush"    

    "I don't" Zuly raised her eyebrows. "Ok, maybe I have a crush"    

    "I KNEW IT" she shouted while jumping up and down like a kid.    

    "Scream louder, I don't think everyone in the palace heard you"    

    "Sorry" Zuly whispered. "So, tell me. How is he? How does he look like?"    

   "He's tall and he has brown hair and brown eyes"   

    "I'm happy you found someone"    

    "Don't get too excited about it. He might not like me back."    

   "Who doesn't like you? Every boy in the kingdom is head over heels about you. I mean, just look at you. And if he doesn't feel the same way about you, his loss"     

    They continued talking about the meeting for a while until Zuly asked the question Lia has been trying to avoid at all costs.    

   "So, did you talk to your parents about Nullion yet?"    

    "I did"    

    "And what did they say?"    

   "They said that I don't have a brother"    

   "I feel like there's a 'but' coming"    


   "See, I told you"   

   "Something about the way they've said it and how they changed the subject so quickly makes me not believe them"    

    "So you think Nullion is actually your twin brother?"    

    "I don't know what to believe anymore. Think it this way: if he really is my twin, I should have memories about him, right?"   


   "Then why don't I remember him?"  

    "Maybe someone used magic to erase your memories with him" Zuly suggested.   

   "Even if someone did this, my memories of him should have come back when I heard his voice in my dreams. That's how it works"   

   "This is so weird"   

   "It really is. But I won't let it get in my head. I'm going to focus on Kian and only him. No twin brother will ruin this for me"

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