A mess...

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Authors note - So I was gonna just translate chapter 1 to 1 just as I was doing till this point but when I read exactly the chapter I decided it was too bad so this chapter is written not translated. I hope I did well because it was truly the first time I was writing a whole chapter in English. I hope you will like it ^^

ELr4tata out...



Finally Sans has fallen asleep. I look at him with pity. How many times is it now that he cried? How many times was this because of me? I don't want him to, never again.

I put Sans slowly on a sofa. I get up and go for another blanket from his room to cover him up. Once that is done I take my blanket and lay next to him. I'm trying to fall asleep but my mind is a total mess that can't be silenced. This timeline... so much happened already and I didn't even leave Snowdin. I wonder if the system is broken is it possible that I won't be able to reset in the end? Is it worth it what we are doing...?

I slap my cheeks. Don't give up no matter what right Chara? That's what got you this far. I will follow it till the very end.

- For now... - I look at Sans. - I will do my best to help you. Even if that is a silly promise I swear I will make you happy once more even if it costs me my life...


I'm slowly opening my eyes. My head hurts. I'm just feeling bad and exhausted. I look around myself and notice that I'm laying on the sofa. I guess Chara put me on it. She is being nice to me... after what I have just done...? Tired I get myself off the sofa and look around for Chara.

- Chara? - I raise a voice a little.

No response. Confused I'm going outside to see if she is there. On the way I checked the clock it was 4:27 PM. Once outside I'm for footprints on the snow. There were none. The only reasonable explanation is that Chara is still in the house. So I went back.

I go to the kitchen and I finally find her. She was making some kind of food.

- Goodmorning Chara... heh pretty late for that...

- Ohh Sans you are finally awake. - She comes close to me with a smile and hugs me.

- Sorry for sleeping so much I slowed us didn't I? - I hug her back hesitantly.

- Don't "sorry" me. If I were mad at you I wouldn't hug you silly. For now, how about you sit down? - She gets back to what she was doing.

- S-Sure. - I sit at the kitchen table and relax. - What are you doing?

- Ohh that. I woke up much faster than I expected and decided to lurk around the kitchen and see what food I can prepare for us. I'm not the best cook but I decided to try myself and make hot curry. I hope it will taste good...

- Now you are doubting yourself? Don't you remember you were the one that taught me how to cook in the Ruins. I know you can do it. - I smiled at her.

- Thank you. That's what I needed to hear. - I saw a small blush appear on Chara's face.

After that, my mind went into a thinking mess. I was staring at the table while my thoughts were flying in and out. I was thinking about everything and nothing... I just sat there and stare once at a table once at my hands.

Chara snaps me back to reality. She put a bowl of curry in front of me then proceed to take another for herself and sit in the chair in front of me.

- Come on day dreamer it's time to eat. I'd like to know how you rate my cooking. - Chara says in a lovely tone.

- Ohh... yea sorry... - I take a spoon full of curry and eat it.

- and? - Chara asks excitedly.

- D-Delicious! Chara this is delicious! - I start to eat at a faster rate.

Chara giggles this time blushing intensively and start to eat her portion. I'm feeling... happy? I think that's correct. When was the last time I felt happy? Heh, it's nice to feel it again.

After this godly meal, I decided to talk a little with chara.

- Chara? Why are you doing all of this?

- Hmmm what do you mean? Is it wrong that I do nice things from time to time?

- No that's not... you know what I mean. Why are you doing this even though I did terrible things to you?

- Sans can you stay still for a second? - Chara asked seemingly out of nowhere.

- E-em yea sure...? - I replied a little confused.

Chara gets off her chair and stands right behind me. She hugs me and whispers in my ear.

- Sans you are not the one that did terrible things, I am. Because of me, you suffered so much... it's unfair. Why did I make you suffer for so long and not get any punishment for it? What you have done Sans it's not something you should feel bad about. It's my bad I didn't tell you the moment you forgave me. I should have done that way back then. "Why am I doing all of this?" to be honest. - Chara sits on my lap and puts her head on mine. - It's because I have fallen in love with you. The way you talked when we first met. Your personality. Your smile. I fell in love from the very moment we met. - Chara said with a red face.

I felt myself blush as well. What is this feeling? That's love? I'm nervous. I can't look away from Chara.

- Sans I'm the one that should apologize to you. I'm sorry that even though I love you from the moment we met I made only things to make you suffer. I'm so sorry... - Tears start to run from Chara's eyes.

- Chara. - I wipe her tears and kiss her. - No one is perfect. Our actions are a mess. Our decisions are a mess. Our feelings are a mess even our relationship is a mess but you know what? In this mess, there is 1 thing I can clearly say...

-...Chara I love you too...

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