Spoicy Ramen

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{Ok, before we begin, I know this is not what dorms are like for freshmen in college. But again, just go with it. -Auri}

Iwazumi POV


I hadn't seen Oikawa since he rushed out of the room. By now, I admit, I was starting to get a tad bit worried.

I had just grabbed my hoodie to go look for him when I hear, very faintly, the front door open.

I quickly rushed out of my room and into the main hall to see Oikawa trying to sneak into his room.

"DUDE," I whisper-yelled, remembering it was very close to quiet hours, "WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GO?!"

"I'm sorry, Iwa-chan," Oikawa said, standing straight and rubbing his neck, "I had something come up."

This guy is such an obvious liar. I mean, his movements are practically screaming 'liar'.

"Stop lying, Oikawa," I walked closer to him and he looked nervously around. Anywhere but my eyes.

"I-I'm not lying," he said meekly, "I just needed to leave."

"First you lie about having a sister, now you lie about where you've been," I ranted, "I know I literally met you this morning but that doesn't mean I don't worry for my roommate's safety. Is something wrong?"

He looked at me, surprised. Like he rarely got asked if he was okay.

He opens his mouth to say something, hesitated, and closed it again. Clearly deciding not to confide in me.

"...I understand if you don't want to tell me anything private right now, but I would at least like to know where you going and when you'll get back." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair, "I thought you were hurt or something."

"I'm sorry," He mumbled but then looked up at me as if something just processed, "Wait, how did you know I don't have a sister?"

"Oh, uh," I said, trying to be as less informative as I could, "I have my ways."

"You sound like an undercover spy," Oikawa said, raising his eyebrow, "Are you?"

"Hate to burst your bubble but I'm not."

"Can you cook?"

"Ok, topic change, yes I can."

"Great, I'm starving," He smiled and walked towards the kitchen, "C'mooon Iwa-chan."

I stared after him in utter disbelief. The audacity that only Oikawa can pull off.

I let out an almost inaudible laugh, I don't need Oikawa thinking he's funnier than he is.

"I'm coming," I shook my head and walked in after him, "what would you like?"

"Hmmm," His face lit up, "HOMEMADE RAMEN!"

God that was really cu...no.

I hummed in response and started gathering the ingredients. Oikawa sat on the counter next to the oven/stove and swung his legs.

"Oh! Can you make it spicy?" He asked, making puppy eyes. I groaned but got out the sriracha sauce. "Yay!"

After around 10 minutes of making the ramen, I finally served it to a very eager Oikawa who had sat on one of the stools surrounding the island.

He quickly put his hands together and bowed his head before he started to eat it rather fast. I made myself a bowl and sat down across from him. This was really spicy but he ate it like it was nothing. I mean, I don't mind, I love spicy food.

After a few more bites, he moaned and rubbed his stomach.

"Oh. My. God. Iwa," He said, "That was the most delicious thing ever!"

"Oh, thanks, I guess," I said, putting more food in my mouth.

"Seriously, I would marry you because this is so good," he laughed. I felt my face heat up. I hoped he wouldn't notice but of course, he did.

"Iwa-chan what's wrong with your face?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

"It's really spicy," I said, blaming it on the food. That's what it was caused by, right?

"Whatever you say," he shrugged and to go wash his now empty bowl, "I'm going to head to bed now."

"Ok," I nodded, "Goodnight."

He placed his bowl in the sink and walked out of the kitchen towards his room.

Before I met Oikawa, I would have loved to be by myself and enjoy my food, but now I felt...incomplete. I hate to admit it but that obnoxious, loud-mouth, arrogant fool is starting to grow on me.

I just want to know why he ran out of that room in such a distressed hurry. Is he in trouble?

Suddenly, I heard a little, ping, coming from where Oikawa was sitting. Upon further inspection, it turned out to be just his phone.

But as I looked at the screen, I felt a chill run down my back.

Across his lock screen, which was a picture of him and his friends, there were two texts from an unknown number. Badly spelled and short. But nonetheless scared me, and I am a horror-movie lover. I watch scary shit for fun! But this was horrifying in its own way.

'Oikawa, i noe wear u r :).'

'& im koming~'

Oh my God, Oikawa. What is going on?!


OK! Time for a question~

What's a random fact that you know and sounds suspicious when you say it out loud.

Mine is that you only have to twist a human's head three times around for the skin the rip.

OnlyJayus fans might know about the elephant one I was gonna put down but didn't lol.

Anyway! Don't forget to love yourself and have a good day!~


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