Forget Me, Iwa

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{I'm sorry if this gets angsty but we're finally getting the plot. I expect to be finished in the next few chapters. Although I might add extra chapters which are basically just fluff for the other ships. -Auri}

Oikawa POV


I awoke quite early with the feeling of warmth being pressed on my back. After blinking the sleep from my eyes, I realized I was cuddled up against Iwa-chan.

I smiled to myself and closed my eyes again, intending to return to sleep. Neither of us had classes today, sooooo I could FINALLY sleep in with him.

Just as I was getting comfortable again, I heard my phone ping from my nightstand. I groaned but picked it up anyway.

It took a little bit for my eyes to focus on the screen but eventually, I saw I had received another text.

From the "Uknown Number", also known as Ren. I flinched slightly but opened it anyway.

It was an image that nearly froze my blood.

It was a picture of me and Iwa sleeping together. Clearly, this was taken outside the window but still, creepy. Underneath it, he wrote...

'Replacing me already, baby?~'

I swallowed the bile that rose in my throat as the three dots appeared on the screen

The next message that went through made my heart pound and I could hear the blood rushing past my ears.

'It would truly be a shame if an...accident...happened to your new lover~'

I quickly glanced at Iwa-chan, just to make sure he was sleeping. After confirming that, I slipped out of bed and headed toward the bathroom.

I was very close to having another attack but I somehow managed to control my breathing. Used the methods that Suga had told me to use many times.

As I sat in the toilet, knees to my chest, I texted back.

'do not touch him, you filthy pervert.'

'Aww baby, why are you getting so defensive~'

'don't call me that either.'

'Firey as always, I see. Well, if you want him to stay safe, it would be in your best interest to listen to my every word.'

I chewed on the nails of my left hand as Ren typed again.

'And don't bother telling anyone. You don't want what happened to Koushi to repeat itself, do you?'

I bit the tip of my finger in anger. It was an accident but it was still hard enough to draw blood. How dare this disgusting bastard even think of saying Suga's name. I couldn't bear it if my actions led to another important person of mine getting hurt.

So despite every nerve in my body telling me to get help, I replied with,

'Fine. what do you want?'

'Not much, babe, just your body. Forever'

I knew he was going to say that, but I still felt horrible despair when I saw it. I'm never going to truly escape this maniac.

'Meet me at this address XXXX-XXXX'

'And leave your phone at home. Dont+'t make it harder than it needs to be, darling~'

I read the texts and then hid my face in my knees while I sobbed quietly. Eventually, I pulled myself together and left the bathroom.

I stopped in my room and stared at Iwa-chan. He was still sound asleep, but his hand was outstretched. As if he was trying to find me. I smiled sadly and leaned down to quickly kiss his forehead.

"Goodbye, Iwa-chan, it was nice to meet you..." I whispered softly and placed my phone next to his on the nightstand, "don't look for me, please."

He shifted in his sleep as I left the room. I looked back one last time before closing the bedroom door behind me. I placed my shoes on and quietly left my home for the last time.

Once outside, the cold late autumn air nipped at my bare arms. I had left without changing, so I was still in my oversized t-shirt and shorts.

I walked for ten minutes, occasionally receiving confused glances from morning joggers. The city was just waking up and it would have been peaceful if I wasn't walking towards my doom.

When I reached the address, it turned out to be a closed shop. I think it used to be a bakery with an apartment overhead. It looked like it hadn't been used in years, though.

I hesitantly lifted my hand to knock on the door but before I could, I saw a shadow move in the alley to my left.

My heart pounded as Ren stepped out of the shadows.

"Miss me, baby~" He purred, walking closer. Like a lion cornering its prey.

He ran his finger up my chest to my chin, which he lifted to look him in his eyes. Despite me being tall, he was still a good two inches taller.

Then, without warning, he pressed his lips roughly to mine, forcing his tongue in. I just stood there numbly as he placed his hand on my back and forced me closer.

I learned that it was no use in fighting back against him.

He broke the kiss and whispered into my ear, "Now how about we have more fun, baby~" I felt sick but let him lead me away. Into the closed shop.

The only wish I had was that Iwa would forget me.

So that he can live a better life.

I love you, Hajime.


Dang, I was gonna post last night but I had to handwash a whole sink full of dishes. It was a lot and took a while because I have little to no motivation to do the dishes <3

What's your favorite flower? 

I think mine are sunflowers. Mostly because they remind me of my late aunt but also because they look like the sun. 

My aunt passed away on the 27th of July 2022 and we had her memorial on the 15th of August. Which would have been her 38th birthday. The room was decorated with sunflowers and it was really pretty.

Thank you for staying this long with me and I wish you the best 


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