The End Of The Tunnel

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Oikawa POV


I don't know how long I was passed out but I was scared to wake up. Suppose I was alive at all. Maybe I am dead, and I'm finally able to rest.

I didn't want to open my eyes and find out. I didn't want to see Ren again. I wanted to remain in this blissful escape from reality. Maybe I could dream about a life where Iwa and I could be together.

Eventually, I was forced out of my safe retreat and into the world of the living. The first thing I heard was the sound of a heart monitor.

Does that mean I'm in the hospital? Or is it something else?

The next thing I smelled was the strong aroma of antiseptics.

I felt, and heard, my heartbeat increase and my eyes flew open as I realized that I was, indeed, in a hospital.

I struggled to sit up as the clean room brought back memories. Memories I never wanted to think of again.

I glanced frantically around the room, trying to find a way to escape.

There was no one in here. Just me, alone with massive reminders of my past.

I kicked the cold hospital sheet off and ripped the tubes that were connected to my arm off as well.

I tried to get out of the bed but ended up falling off. As I tumbled down, I hit my shoulder on the ground and flinched. That was a rather loud noise and it hurt too.

As soon as that thought entered my head, the door to the room burst open and a nurse appeared, She noticed me on the ground and immediately called for a doctor.

At this point, I was starting to hyperventilate. The pounding in my head, the throbbing of my shoulder, the ragged breaths I was taking, and a doctor rushing into the room were the last things I could recall before losing consciousness again.


I vaguely remembered falling in and out of sleep as doctors and nurses rushed around in a blur around me. And in the background, I heard a familiar voice asking if I was ok. It might have been a desperate hallucination but it sounded like Iwa-chan.

It felt like a constant cycle. Pass out into a quiet void, and awake to hear the rustle and clatter of nurses and doctors taking vitals.

But when I woke up one time, it was peaceful. And there was a weight resting near my chest.

I forced my eyes to remain open and glanced down. It was exhausting and I was completely drained of energy. But it was all worth it when I saw who was there.

"I-Iwa-chan," I croaked and my head fell back onto the pillow as I became too tired to hold it up anymore. I felt him stir and he grabbed my hand.

"Oikawa!" He said standing up and cupping the side of my face with his other hand, "I was so scared." I noticed he had started crying, "I thought you going to die, Toru. I thought I would lose you." He smiled sadly as he gazed at me. I reached my hand up slowly, with the little energy I had, and held his hand that was cupping my face. I nuzzled my cheek into it and smiled softly.

"I was scared too, Hajime," I whispered softly, "I missed you."

Then, the next thing I knew, Iwa had leaned down and kissed me passionately on the lips. I was surprised at first but then kissed him back. It wasn't full of lust or desire, just gentleness, and caring love.

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