CH-8 Performance Day!!

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A Li'l note before u guys read: *Siana's performance is not a striper performance 'cause ofc it isn't appropriate for a school event. All of them are just wearing one outfit on top of the other that's changed with every song*

Narrator's P.O.V.
The day before the event, Siana had asked shu and the beyclub to come to see her performance l. She quickly woke up and got dressed. She ate her breakfast and left to help with the decorations in the school with her friends. She reached the school with 'em and started to decorate the auditorium. Carlos and Jeanne began to help with lightning; Siana, Lia and Nora began putting up the roses and heart decorations and then helped with the outer decorations. Soon enough, the work was done and the students were allowed to leave. Siana and her friends decided to hangout a bit then go home to grab their stuff and meet at the entrance of the school. They began to walk to the arcade in the mall. They reached to there and played whatever games. They then went to the Domino's and had pizzas for lunch. They said goodbyes to each other and went home.

Siana reached her home and sat in the living room watching Stranger Things on Netflix since she still had two hours left to leave and she had all her things packed. Shu came home after some time and sat with Siana. "Hey Siana." He said. "Hey bro." She replied. "You took a lot time in decorating, didn't you?" He asked. "Nah! We just went to the arcade after decorating and had lunch that took so long." She told him. They both sat together watching Netflix and then after some time, it was time for Siana to leave for the event.

She picked up her bag that carried her performance costumes, make-up and other stuff and said to shu while walking out "Don't forget to bring everyone at the event bro!". "Yeah, yeah. I'll bring everyone there! Now go!" Shu says ushering her out the door. She laughs and goes.

As decided, they met at the school entrance and hurried to the room they were to get ready in. They put on their outfits according to the songs, the last song outfit being the innermost. They put on their make-up that took them whole 45mins. Then they quickly went through their stage routine.

The Stage•

The beyclub arrived and took their seats at the back. Lui really didn't wanted to come but just got dragged by his heart and took a seat in the middle row. Soon, the hall was filled up and the teacher greeted everyone while entering - "A very good evening to all! Today's the most lovely day of the year- The Valentine's Day! So for this occassion, Rideout has organized this event. Enjoy the performances of the beloved students of ours!-" and she called on the first group to perform.

~~~Timeskip to Siana's a.k.a The last performance('cause I m lazy)~~~

"What a lovely performance there! Now, please put your hands together for the last performance of the day by the group-'Dance Queens'!!!!!!" The teacher announced and the curtain lifted up and the song started and so did their performance.

Song-1( the routine are the same as in the videos)



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