🎄Christmas Special!!! 🎄

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Here I am again after a month and I'm sorry that I can't update the main story, (I am really making apologising a habit*sighs*) For the Christmas, I have got an idea featuring, drum rolls please! 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁................... Me!(The pic above) Hope you like it! :)

It was the Christmas Eve and and the girls, Siana, Nia, Aisha, Lia, Nora, Carlos and Jeanne had decided to spend the evening together outside, exploring the streets. They were chatting and laughing walking along the side path, glancing at the decorated shops and the cute Santa Claus dresses children were wearing. Suddenly, a gust of wind passed them and before they knew it, two men were running ahead with Siana's purse and Aisha's gold chain, which of course had to be her mom's, in their hands. Their instincts kicked in and they ran after them, yelling for them to stop. "Stop there, you shitheads!", yelled Nia. They turned into an alley and the girls chased after. As soon as they entered one of the men was thrown to the ground. They looked up to see a girl around the age of 12 beating the living shit out of the other snatcher. She had black hair and blue eyes and wore a blue knee-length dress and black leggings. Siana jumped in to help her as the second man drew a knife out. The girl kicked the man in the shin and kneed in the face as he bent over in pain. Siana took care of the other by punching him and the girl kicking him at the back of his head. The girl said, "You know what, Today is Christmas so I'm leaving you just here. Don't go around looting people and Merry Christmas" and picked up the chain and purse as she shot a glare at the two. They ran out of the alley like their life depended on it.

"Here", she said, handing over the two items to them. Siana said, taking the things from her, "Thanks, sis. What's your name?". "Call me Anna.(not my real name, just nickname)", the girl said. "Why were you in the alley, if I may ask?", Nia asked suspiciously. "I was taking a shortcut to there", she said, pointing to an old age home signboard, signaling that it's round the corner. "Oh! Are you visiting someone?" Aisha asked. "Well, yes and no." She said smiling a bit. "What does that mean?", Carlos asked with a confused expression. "For that you would need to come along.", She said walking out. They shrugged and tagged along. They crossed the road and turned right, after walking for 10minutes, they reached big, black gates decorated with pleasant lights of gold, red and green. They went in and saw a yard covered in snow and a 2-storey building which looked as quite as a graveyard. There was hardly anyone outside beside them. They walked on the stone pavement, the only place not covered by snow and climbed the wooden stairs. Anna opened the door and all heads turned to her. The room lit up in joy at the sight of her, old, wrinkled faces smiled at her as she walked in with others. One of the old women said, "There is our cupcake!". The said girl chuckled and went over to her. "Yup, I am here now, my sweet star." She said as she crouched down to her level. The woman pinched her cheeks as she giggled. "And Merry Christmas everyone!", She said standing up.

One of the nurses said, "Who are these girls with you, Anna dear?". "These are some friends of mine.", She said. All of them introduced themselves and once they were done, she said, "I have got things for y'all". She raised the bag which the girls noticed only then. "Let's start up the party, my old buds!!", Anna said. Soft cheers echoed in the building and for once, it looked lively. The small music system in the corner began to sing out all cute Christmas songs as the old lives danced along. Anna invited the girls and they have to admit, partying with old lives is not so boring. Siana sang for everyone, they played games and at the dinner, the backstories made their eyes water but some nice jokes made up for it. All over, it was a MERRY CHRISTMAS for them.

A/N: I am back and sorry for not publishing, I had school shit to deal with, the Sports and Annual day and practice, activity exams and yk, lot of boring shit. But anyways, I hope you liked it. Merry Christmas everyone! Stay safe and healthy and have a great time! Checkout the X-mas advent calendar 2022 by Fanfic. Go to window 22 and guess the answer to my riddle! First to give the correct answer will get a shoutout and a custom fanart or oneshot, whatever you wish :)

So this is your author signing off! Meet you soon with 'nother chapter and a new book ;)

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