Chapter 1.7 - The Cryostasis Pod

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2nd September 13:23

Irido had just entered the room, he wore his usual work clothes including his medical lab coat. The room was medium-sized, it had a lot of high tech equipment tidily organized across the room and was lit with white lights. There were no windows in the room and the door was completely made of metal.

In the center of the room, on top of a sturdy metal table was an industrial box-shaped object that looked around 40 years old . It had a few green lights and a window, which a girl could be seen through it with long straight blonde hair. The object was a cryostasis pod that Accelerator had found after being curious about some criminals by the hospital.

Speaking about the albino, he was sat in a relaxed way on one side of the room on a chair. He was still wearing the same black shirt with white stripes, yet to put on the white ,long sleeved shirt with grey v-shaped stripes that he had bought earlier that day.

His face was covered with a bored expression with his right elbow resting on the back rest of the chair, leaving his right hand dangling lazily. His crimson eyes were focused on the black-haired, middle aged Irido, whom had entered the room. He clicked his tongue and spoke to him in with a bored tone.

Accelerator: Tch, you're finally here doctor.

Irido: I'd like to ask one thing first, why did you call me specifically for this?

Irido spoke to the white-haired teen in a polite manner with a tone of curiosity similar to a detective. He made eye contact with the albino. There was a moment of silence in the room. Accelerator sighed, he responded to the doctor's question with the same bored tone.

Accelerator: I heard you're good.

Irido stayed silent, though when Accelerator asked for him he only said that he had found a cryostasis pod and needed him to investigate it and nothing else. He had accepted for not only for his curiosity but for his curiosity about Accelerator as well.

On the other hand, though he didn't want to admit it, he had trusted Irido a bit as he was the doctor that helped 2 certain girls. Accelerator had kept the part about him finding the pod in a transit van from criminals a secret. As he thought Irido should have nothing to do with it ,as well he didn't want to be bothered by Antiskill despite his lack of knowledge of this Academy City. He took a breathe then asked the doctor a question.

Accelerator: Can you have a look at it?

Irido sighed before responding and taking a few steps towards the pod.

Irido: I'll take a look then.

As he got closer, he had a strange feeling. A feeling of familiarity, he didn't know much about the pod yet it felt familiar to him. To him it was both unknown and familiar. He put the feeling aside and continued to get closer.

Once he was beside it he started looking on one end, opposite to the window and meticulously inspecting the pod, working his way until he saw the text near the window saying, "Cryostasis pod - 23/47," then underneath it, "Project-0 1971". When he saw that he felt very familiar with it, like seeing a face of a old friend that you haven't met for a decade but despite this, he couldn't remember.

He then focused his eyes on the window, more specifically the girl behind it. After a moment of his eyes focusing on the girl, his eyes suddenly widened as he recognized the girl and had a flash of memory related to the girl and had experienced a flashback of memory, while Accelerator was on his chair watching him.

Flashback, 38 years ago in an unknown location.

In a large spacious room with white walls, floor, ceiling and lighting, a group of 47 teenagers were stood in rows of 7 with the row at the back only having 5. The group was mixed with girls and boys in alternating columns. All of them seemed to be around 14 and all wore all white clothing. They all had an expressionless face.

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