[09] Lovers lake

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"Where are you going? Hey,hey,hey,hey,hey" said Steve grabbing Dustin's attention "Eddie's still a wanted man we can't just go  for a hike in the woods"

"This little steel capsule might be the key to saving both Max and Eddie what say you, Eddie the Banished?" asked Dustin looking at Eddie

"I say you're asking me to follow you into Mordor, which if I'm totally straight with you I think it's a really bad idea but uh the Shire.. the Shire is burning" said Eddie making Dustin jump

"So Mordor it is" said Eddie standing up while the rest of you followed Dustin

"What is Mordor?" asked Steve

"It's a place from a fictional book" said Y/n before walking away

"How can I live without you" whispered Steve

All of you left skull rock and went to follow the direction the compass is heading to

"Somethings happening" said Dustin

"Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?" Said Eddie

"I think we're getting close" said Dustin

"Oh man" said Steve

"You gotta be shitting me" said Y/n looking at the lake

"I thought these woods were familiar" said Eddie

"Lovers lake" said Robin

"This is confounding" said Dustin

"There's a gate in Lovers lake?" said Max

"Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening maybe Vecna's the same way" said Nancy

"Yeah, only one way to find out" said Steve

You guys then found a boat and putted it on to the lake

"Easy I.. I said easy man" said Steve to Eddie while putting the boat to the lake

"Sorry dude" said Eddie

"Here you go" said Steve offering his hands to Robin but robin just ignored it

"Yeah, I'm just gonna do that" said Robin putting both of her hands to Eddie and Steve's head to enter the boat "thank you"

"Yeah that works too" said Steve

"Wheeler" said Eddie offering her hand to Nancy which she gladly took

"Thanks" said Nancy

Eddie and Steve then offered their hands to you

"Y/l/n" said Eddie

You had no choice but to take both of their hands

Dustin then was about to enter the boat but Eddie stopped him

"Hey,hey,hey you trying to sink us this thing holds four people tops,okay?" said Eddie

"It's better this way okay? You guys stay here with Max keep an eye out for trouble" said Nancy

"You keep an eye out it's my goddamn theory!" said Dustin

"Dustin, you heard her" said Y/n

"Who put her in charge?" asked Dustin

"I did" said Y/n

"Compass" said Nancy takimg the compass from Dustin

"Hey there you go" said Steve throwing the tarp to Dustin
Before entering the boat

"You said Four!" said Dustin

"Sorry" whispered Steve

"Bedtime at nine, kiddos" said Robin but Dustin just flipped her off "Miss you already!" said Robin waving

"So y/l/n you haven't answered my question" said Eddie

"What question?" you asked

"You know from the walkie talkie" said Eddie

"Oh yeah you asked her out" said Robin teasing Steve

"Steve you're fine with this right?" said Robin

"Yeah totally pfft why wouldn't I" said Steve worried for your answer

"Y/l/n" said Eddie

"I don't think now's the right time you know because of this whole vecna thing" said Y/n

"How about when it's over" said Eddie

You're about to respond when you got cut off

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down guys" said Nancy looking at the compass

"Guys what's going on" said Dustin from the walkie talkie

"Uh, Dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital "aah!"" said Robin

Steve then started to remove his shoes

"Steve what are you doing?" asked Nancy

"Somebody's gotta go down there and check this thing out unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years,then it's gotta be me no complaints, all right?" Said Steve standing up

"Hey I'm not complaining I do not wanna go down there" said Eddie

Steve then started to remove his shirt making you look at him what you didn't know is that Nancy and Robin saw you looking at him and they're both smiling right now

Eddie then wrapped a plastic around the flashlight so it won't get wet

"Hey, good luck" said Eddie handing the flashlight to Steve

"Thanks" said Steve

Eddie then started to light a cigarette

"Gross" said Robin throwing the cigarette away

"Steve" said Y/n making Steve look at you "be careful okay?"

Steve nodded before diving

"Where we at, Wheeler?" Asked Robin who started to get worried for Steve

"Closing in on a minute" said Nancy

Steve then finally got up making the four of you flinch

"I found it" said Steve

"You found it?" Said Nancy

"I found it yeah I found it" said Steve

"Dustin you're a goddamn Einstein Steve found the gate" said Robin through the walkie talkie

"It's pretty wild it's more a snack-size gate than the mama gate but still, it's pretty damn big" said Steve then something started to pull him through the water

"Steve!" All of you shouted

"Steve! Steve!" You shouted

"No! No! What the hell was that man Jesus!" Shouted Eddie

"Y/n really what happened?" Asked Robin panicking

You then started to take off your jacket and about to dive

"Wait,wait,wait" said Eddie stopping you from diving "You're not going in there, are you?" Asked Eddie

"Yes I will" you said before getting into the water

"No Y/n!" You heard Robin shout

Nancy, Robin and Eddie then dived after you the four of you went inside the gate and found Steve getting eaten by bats

All of you then started to kill the bats

"Steve, Steve oh my god" you said walking towards him then hugging him and he swears if it wasn't in this situation he would turn into a tomato

"Jesus H Christ!" Shouted Eddie

"Ar you okay?" you asked looking at Steve's stomach

"Well, they took about a pound of flesh but other than that yeah never better" said Steve

"Uh do you guys think these bats have,like, rabies?" asked Robin


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