Chapter 1

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(I know in normal terms these Notes you guys will read are illogically long concidering they were done in one day. Im well aware of that. Just role with it. The notes are the only illogical thing made in the story. Or if you really want some logic for this then just think that Jaune(Ezio) used the apple to write all the notes at the same time)

-Synchronizing: Remnant year: 20xx, Beacon Academy-

A new day came to Beacon Academy as everyone woke up from there slumber tos start a new day

-(J)NPR dorm-

Pyrrha: *tired groan* huh- she looked around and saw that Jaune hasn't come back yet

She got up from her bed and looked around. She then noticed the note on her table with her name on it. Curious, she picked it up and read it

"Dear Pyrrha

If your reading this I am far away from Beacon academy and I am never coming back. Im sorry but I couldn't take it anymore. All the bullying and ridicule I received from the students have drove me to the edge. Not only that but my parents were coming to pick me up and I didn't want to face them. Im sorry, I really am. I am sorry for being to weak, im sorry for being a coward.... And Im sorry for being blinde or more like a chicken for not telling you how I feel. I saw how you looked at me from time to time and I could tell that you have feelings for me... but I was a coward for not returning them for you. Honestly on the first day that I saw you I thought my heart stoped. Your beauty was like no other. Your gorgeous red hair shining in the light like so bright that it makes even forever fall look bland. You were sweet, kind and generous. But in my heart I thought that I was out of your league. I mean look at me. Im kinda skinny and scrawny, my fighting skill is crap... I just thought that you could find someone else that is better then me. What im trying to say is that... I love you too Pyrrha Nikos and I wish I had the courage to tell you this in person instead with this boring letter. I hope one day our paths reconnect. But until then. Take care my Bella spartana (Beautiful Spartan)

For ever yours with love: Jaune "

After reading the letter, all Pyrrha could do was cry tears of both joy and sadness. The boy she loved loves her back... but he is gone. And who knows when she will see him again

Ren and Nora woke up to the sound of Pyrrha crying. They questioned why was that until they saw letters on their night stands with their names on it

For Ren it said

"Dear Ren

Hey man. Im sorry to say this but I ran away. I didn't want to burden you guys anymore then I did. Im really sorry for doing this but I had no choice. I wish thing were different but all of this is my fault. But if there is one thing I don't regret, its having you guys as my teammates and friends. You are like a brother I wished I. Even when you were mostly quiet most of the time. You were always there for me as was I. Im gonna miss those times we usually meditate together when Nora and Pyrrha are away. Im hope we will see each other again. Until then take car Brother.

P.S. You need to tell Nora how you feel. I know its scary cause you fear that the friendship you two have might be ruined if you tell her your feelings but you don't know unless you try. Its all there is Ren. Its a leap of faith. I know you can do this, I believe in you

P.S.S. If you manage to confess to Nora and the two of you get together. Do me a favor and silently rub it in Sun and Neptune's faces. They placed a bet behind your back about you confessing to Nora or not. Im sorry man but I bet that you would do it and you guys would be together.

With love and respect: Jaune "

Ren: *silently crying* You jerk- he said with a sad but happy chuckle- I wish you the best of luck out there brother- he said sadly as he looked out the window

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