Chapter 2

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-start of training-

The sounds of rapid footsteps were heard across the forest that was near The Villa. Suddenly a flash of blond hair was seen dash by. As we look closer we see that the one responsible was Jaune Arc who was currently chasing the ghostly image of Connor who was currently teaching him parkour through the forest. Jaune tried to catch up but Connor was just too fast for him. After all with Connor being born in the forest. He is literally in his element

(Imagine this is whats going on and Jaune is trying to chase after Connor)

Connor: Come on Jaune try and keep up!- he said as he kept jumping from branch to branch and then hang by one and threw himself to another tree

Jaune followed the same path as Connor. But the moment he hung himself to the branch Connor went.


The branch snapped

Jaune: OH CRUD!!!!!

Jaune then falls to the ground but his fall was cushioned by the many other tree branches that Jaune crashed into from side to side until he crashed onto the floor in pain

Jaune: o-ow.... I think I broke my back

Connor appears next to Jaune

Connor: That was bad Jaune. But no matter. Get up, we must go again

Jaune: AGAIN?!

-with Ezio-

He had to do something similar with Ezio but he had to go through the Villa and it was a bit difficult cause of some of the fragile buildings and such. But another thing Ezio taught Jaune.... Was how to flirt

Ezio: You see Jaune. When it comes to the art of flirting, confidence is key. *gets close to Jaune* Approach her with a charming smile and *points at Jaune's eyes and then at his own* maintain eye contact. Show genuine interest in her by asking thoughtful questions and actively listening to her responses. Compliment her with sincerity, highlighting her unique qualities. Be playful and use humor to create a lighthearted atmosphere. Remember, respect and consent are paramount. Treat her as an equal and always be mindful of her boundaries. And who knows maybe you can even finally swoon over Pyrrha and that Weiss girl too


Ezio: Come on Jaune. One thing is fighting but another is gathering information. Some women might know more than you can think. And hell, you can even get information from men. But other then that. You really need to stop following the words of your old man. Now then, lets continue

Jaune groaned when they continued but this time at least it was more important advices on how to truly gather information and even showed him some fighting moves

-with Altair-

We see Jaune swinging around with a wooden sword and then began to do some stealth attacks on some dummies he made

Altair: Now remember Jaune. As an assassin, one must embrace discipline, stealth, and precision. Always be aware of your surroundings, blending into crowds and moving with purpose. Maintain a sharp focus, analyzing situations and identifying potential threats. Strike swiftly and silently, using the element of surprise to gain the upper hand. Seek knowledge through thorough investigations and gather information before executing your missions. Remember, we serve a higher purpose, so act with honor, integrity, and loyalty to the Brotherhood. Walk the shadows, strike with purpose, and let justice guide your blade. May your actions be swift and your mission be accomplished.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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