who am i? (1)

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*side actors for this part:
cg nazree
cg anne

my name's adam.
and im in 6th grades for this year/2022. and this story based on my true experiences.

tbh, im an extrovert student in my school. and that's make me easy to find friends! i also talk to the teachers sometimes (dah ketua pengawas, nak wat lagu mano lg. keno la jgk. nasib) and idk why, my friends keep calling me "genius" "smart" duh. There're still many and better smart pupils than me. but i guess i take it as a compliment. (?!) enough telling bout me, let's start the story.

my pov:

i make the scene short*

"wehh, bila cg nak bagitau siapa yg terpilih menjadi ketua pengawas eh?? dah lama sgt ni. It's tiring tho."

jannah: idk actually. just wait for it duhh. tak sabo².

"ouh, okay then."

cg anne: *pang perap perap pang pang* (sound effect) | murid yg dipilih utk menjadi seorang ketua pengawas pada tahun 2022 berdasarkan prestasi akademik dan sukannya adalah!



*pergi ke atas pentas utk menerima atau mengambil anugerah yg diberikan as appreciation for me (perasan doh)*


pada suatu hari ( 7:25 am )

umaii: hey Adam! Congrats my friend! maksudnya, cg² mmg really percaya engko utk dan boleh pikul tanggungjawab yg berat mcm ni!

"alah ko ni.. please don't give me compliments duh. it makes me feel proud of myself for sudden! nanti kata plk aku riak or sombong pulak. (sighs)

umaii: okay² BUT JUST ACCEPT IT! I THOUGHT THAT MAKES YOU FEEL HAPPY AND APPRECIATED! kalau mcm nih baik buat tak tahu je.. (sighs lg teruk smpi kuar hingus)

"okay im really sorry bout that, Umaii.
Forgive me ehh.. jgn pendam. Nanti hati terluka. HEHE. Btw, mana adzra ko tu??

umaii: ouh, dia tak dtg lg. Don't say to me, "why does she late today?" Idk nothing about her fyi for today (only).
Hari lain aii tau la u. HAHAHA

"hek eleh ko.. btw okay for the info ya, umaii!"

umaii: most welcome u!

"please stop using the I U things blh tk? It makes me feel uncomfortable tho (konon)."

umaii: okay InshaAllah.. 😜


recess time ( 10:15 am )


"oitt farissa, dari pagi tadi tk nmpk ko dlm kelas.. buat apa? Pergi buat toilet ke? kan pompuan suka sgt pergi situ."

farissa: HALAH HALAH KO... kalau aku leh lempang, aku buat dah tau! Nasib baik bukan mahram. Kalau tk, berkecai dah muka kau.

"alah lek ahh.. melawak je kot.. sape lg nk lyn aku kt sekolah nih selain kawan²ku yg amat 'disayangi'"

farissa: 'disayangi' konon.. cg² kan ade, blh lyn ko.. kan engko murid yg paling 'di-loving' dlm sekolah ni..

"igt cg ada masa nk lyn aku ke? diorang pun tak pandanglah aku walaupun ketua pengawas.. diorang set me as normal student like u guys je..."

*buy foods at canteen to eat and suddenly terserempak dgn crush asina.*

"ouh hi hafey! how're u? before that, kau dgn team mng tk perlawanan bola sepak yg berlangsung semalam di sekolah si aqeef tuh?

hafey: hi! im good Alhamdulillah. and yeah, we won the match with aqeef's school for 5-0.

"ouh really?! that's relieving tho.. Alhamdulillah.. wait... I THINK WE SHOULD BY THE FOODS BEFORE TALKING TOGETHER, THIS CANTEEN IS FLOODED WITH PUPILS!"


*KRINGGGGG!* (the bell rings)

math's time (11:00am)

cg nazree: okay students! please pay attention to me. whoever can answer this "common" math question, ill give u RM 2.00. ' ali pergi ke sebuah kedai butik al-haziq, dia ingin membeli sehelai baju jersey yg berharga RM 90.00. baju tersebut terdapat diskaun yg diberi sebanyak 20%. berapakah harga baju jersey yg hendak dibeli ali yg tinggal?'

aqis: sy cg! im the smartest student in this class!

dani: please pick me, teacher!!

"sy cg plithhhh!!!"

cg nazree: ye adam. apa jwpnnya?

"RM45.00 cg!"

cg nazree: BETULLL!! TEPUK TGN SEMUA KPD ADAM! nah RM2.00 sepertimana yg telah dijanjikan tadi.


"tysmmm cg nazree!"

riana be like: duh cg pilih kasih tul pilih dia tuh. mustahil kalo dia takle jwb. behave".

atrisha: cg pilih 'bdk pandai' tu.. mmg la blh jwb. sepatutnya cg pilih la kitorang ni. haihh apa nasib jadi students biasa cam kita kan, riana?

riana: yeah, i agree! kita ni cg" tk pandang la.. :( sads*

ilmi be like: apa function diorang membawang kat sini? Bkn bdk tu dgr pung. pergilah bagitau dpn" kalo tk puas hati sgt.. sabo je la ngan dorang ni. haihh..

riana: ha ko, ilmi, takmo join kitaorang membawang ke? ouh lupa plk, dia nih mana nk join perkara" yg tk baik mcm nih.. kitaorang je jht suka hasut org lain HAHA

ilmi: confusion* :')

Part 2's coming soon! :^


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