Chapter 57: Everlasting

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Pic cred. smol_kia

Ignore the mistakes plz :)

Third Person POV

"But I wanna wear a white suit." Sunwo whines in the fitting area.

"You said you want to match with Jeongguk." Taehyung says.

"Make him wear white as well." Sunwo was now stomping.

"His suit is already ready."

"Give him yours and wear his." Sunwo whines again.

"Sunwo, the sizes are different and it's always been decided." Taehyung tries to reason.

"Why am I only buying but yours were actually made?" Sunwo pouts.

"Because we're the grooms and you can have yours done when you're old enough to marry." Taehyung says and finalizes the little black suit.

"That is so not fair. I was the one who gave permission for the wedding yet in being pushed aside." Sunwo glares adorably as Taehyung looks at him with parted lips and disbelief.

"I'm sorry what?" Taehyung utters.

"You asked if I'm okay with you two being husbands and I said yes." Sunwo says proudly.

"And if you had said no?" Taehyung asks.

"You know what would have happened".

"Listen here you little devil---". Taehyung tries to grab him but the little boy runs, giggling and laughing, so easy to let go of the matter he was so persistent on.

The day Jeongguk proposed Taehyung, they asked Sunwo if he was okay with it and he was very happy though the series of questions had been quite interesting.

"So am I to get a husband too?" Sunwo asks. "You are husband- husband so I could do that too?"

"Of course, you can have anyone you want. Husband, wife---anyone you fall in love with." Taehyung utters.

"So if I want a wife, I can?" Sunwo asks a little shyly. Jeongguk laughs.

"Of course baby." Jeongguk says.

"Why do you asks though?" Taehyung asks. Sunwo smiles shyly.

"There's--- there's this girl in my class who says she likes me because I sit with her when she's alone and she also shares her lunch with me. She says I'm cute." Sunwo says. Taehyung chuckles at his adorable voice.

"That you are, my baby." Taehyung utters.

"Do you like her?" Jeongguk asks.

"I'm not sure but she's nice." Sunwo shrugs. "We'll probably be besties." Jeongguk laughs loudly at that.

"Bestie-zoned too soon." Jeongguk utters and Taehyung hits him playfully.

"Shut up."

"I'd like to meet her. Maybe we can invite her to the wedding." Taehyung smiles.

"It's too soon though." Jeongguk whispers to Taehyung.

"She's just a friend." Taehyung utters and Jeongguk huffs.

"Well she better be nice and not hurt our Sunwo." Jeongguk says.

And Taehyung's heart begins to beat faster at 'our Sunwo'. Their family was finally complete.

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