It's just a normal stairwell, but I'm still Spiraling ~Chapter 2~

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     I walk into homeroom. Sit at the back, right by the window. What if Ritchie and Michael were right? What if this wasn't a good plan? I mean, we're a pack of werewolves. Smack dab in the middle of the most densely populated city. What was I thinking? 

     I lay my head down on my desk with a quiet groan. I need to stop second-guessing this. Roan is essentially an Alpha, and I trust his judgment. I sit up and smack my cheeks. You got this.

     I hear muttering as soon as a group of kids walks in. Why are they all looking at me? As the class fills, they all avoid me. Whatever, see if I care. 

     An adult walks in. "Alright, kids. I know you're all coming down from the high of summer. But homeroom does start in five minutes. So, how about you all settle down."

     "Hi! Mr. Just Jarred, sir!" A girl shouts. "Super glad we got the coolest Homeroom teacher."

    Just Jarred chuckles such an odd name. "I see you will be just as enthusiastic as your sister was last year. Aren't you, Miss Atradius?"

     The girl looks away as her friends start to tease her. I turn my head to the door as I hear someone running. Just as the bell rings, a guy bursts through the door.

     Just Jerred looked at the redhead with pity. "Mr. Walker, Pleasure of you to join us. Please take a seat."

     The redhead wears baggy blue clothes. Threat level undetermined. He does, however, smell like fresh rainfall. His sent is kind of like the blond from earlier.

     "Named appropriately, I see."  

     "He's certainly not a runner, that's for sure."

     "Expect nothing less from the dork squad."

     That all came out of nowhere. The poor boy shrank in on himself as he heard their words. He slowly walked to the only seat available. The one right next to mine. I saw it before he did. Someone stuck out their foot to trip him. I got up from my seat, and he took a step back.

     I glared at the kid sticking his foot out. He pulled it back as soon as the teacher looked over. 

     "Is there a problem Miss..." Just Jarred looked through his papers.

     "Y/N, Y/N Stall." I nod my head in respect. "And no, sir." I look over at the kid. "There is no problem." I sit back down and go back to looking out the window. Hate this place already.

     I hear the redhead sit at the desk next to me. Then the teacher starts talking. I, for Luna's sake, can not bring myself to listen. 

     Out of the corner of my eye, I see something land on my desk. Huh? I look down. It's a paper airplane. I pick it up. On the wing are written two words, 'Thank you.'

     I look over at the boy next to me. He glances over at me but jolts back to looking at the teacher as he makes eye contact.

     I take out a pencil, carefully write 'You're welcome' on the wing then hand it back to him. He reads what I wrote. Then he looks back at me and gives me a small smile.

     I give him a gentle smile and then go back to staring out the window. Maybe this won't be so bad.

     I was wrong. After the bell rang, everyone bolted out of the room and into the halls. Apparently, the entire rest of the school did too. Everything was so loud. The sheer amount of smells was overpowering as well. 

     That leads to the here and now. Sitting at the bottom of a stairwell, Curled into a ball with my head on my knees. Rather unbefitting of an Alpha. Michael would laugh if he saw me now. Ritchie would be disappointed. Roan would probably be looking at me with pity. 

     I feel a flash of pain as I slam my fist into the railing. Unfortunately, I did it as a click of a door opening sounded through the stairwell. I fall silent as the other person stills. The door clicks shut from about three floors up. Wait, isn't this building only two stories high? Right there's a roof. Wait. What is someone doing on the top of the building?

     "Let's make a deal," I say gently. It'll echo through the stairwell. "I don't question why you came from the roof. And you don't ask why I just did that."

     "Deal," A male student voice groggy, like he just woke up. "You hiding down there for the rest of the day?"

     I bite my lip. "I really shouldn't." I get up and sling my backpack over my shoulder.

     The guy clears his throat. "What room are you heading to, stranger?" Something echoes in the back of my mind that that voice sounds familiar.

     "Twenty-sixteen, how about you?"

     There's a short pause, then the rustling of paper. I almost laugh till I hear the response. "Twenty-sixteen. Huh, Do you know the way?"

     I really don't want to talk to people. "Nope."

     I hear the guy fold the paper. I bite back a sigh of relief. "I memorized the layout of the school last night." Oh, by the Lunar goddess, why? "I can walk you."

     Or you could leave me alone. "Sure." Cursed friendly Alpha instincts. I climb my way to the second floor. It won't be so bad. Relax.

     I stop in my tracks. I know that scent of pure earth. I clench my fists, using my claws to ground myself.

    My mind takes me back to a cliff In the birch wood forest. The snow stained red in my blood. Hunters flanked me on all sides. With the earth ninja leading the charge. 

     I feel someone grab my arm. Jaring me back to the present. "Your hand's bleeding." His hand is so gentle despite being so calloused.

     My entire body warms. I pull my hand out of the ninja's grip. "It's alright. I thought it was more heald than that."

     "More heald than that?" He asks gently.

     "Hicking accident." I can use this to my advantage. "I never caught your name, stranger."

     "Cole, Cole Becket. How about you?"

     "Y/N, Y/N Stall. It is a pleasure to meet you."

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