Chapter 19 🫥

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I wake up in the nasty abandoned building, with my hands tied behind my back and tape on my mouth. I tried to move but it hurts to much. My ribs hurt, my face hurt, my hands hurt. Everything hurts.

Eddie and Dustin is probably worried sick about me, what if I don't see them ever again? Oh god my mom, what is she going to say. Am I going to die in here? I don't wanna die yet. I want someone to come here and help me.
I say to myself, I hope Chrissy got what I was trying to say. I hope she got ahold of them. I hear walking above me, it sounds like someone's coming down here. I act like I'm asleep. And I over hear Jason talking.
"Dude yeah, I have her. They'll never find her. Chrissy dumb for not coming with me, it was her idea." He said like he was excited, disgusting pig.

He walks over to me, "hey beautiful." I just stare at him and start crying. "Hey don't cry, it'll all be over soon, I just want to have fun with you first." He says kissing my head. He took off my tape.

"What the fuck do you want from me?" I asked him. "I told you, you would regret it. And don't worry what I want from you, who says I didn't already take it from you." He smiles while looking down at my legs. I looked down and my panties weren't on me.."oh god no no no," I started crying. Begging him to let me go. He just laughs and walks up stairs.

I fell to the ground and cried until I fell asleep.

Eddie's pov:
It's been 9 hours and I still can't find her. We've checked everywhere. I don't know what to do.

"I know one more place him and his friends go to drink." Chrissy says softly.
"We'll spit it out!" Robins replies. "You guys remember that old house that's been abandoned?" Chrissy asks. "Yeah what about it?" Steve answers. "Well in the basement, they're always hanging out there. And she might be there." Chrissy replies.

I stop the van, "Robin stay with Chrissy, I can't have Jason knowing where we are and I don't want her snitching." I say, "but why do I have to babysit?" She asks whining, "please Robin. Dustin's staying with you too. He looks at me like I was crazy, "dude I can't have nothing happen to you." I added.

"Okay I'll stay." Dustin said, "find her. Bring my sister back." He added.
"Will do Dustin." Steve said, "of course." I agreed.

We drove what seemed like hours but we made it, "I think I see his car." Steve says. "I see it too, you take the front I'll take the back." I said to him. "Got it!" Steve said.

I walked to the back door, I opened it quietly because anyone could know I entered. I walk through the kitchen and seen the basement door. I opened it and walked down it. I heard whimpers, "Nova? Is that you" he whisper, when I got to the bottom of the steps I seen her, almost passed out. Bloods coming from her face, she's bruised up and she's crying. I heard foot steps behind me, I grabbed my bat and it was one of Jason's friends.
I hit he with the bat and he's knocked out. I ran over to nova. "Baby I'm here , I'm here." I repeated.
"Hurry Eddie! Idk how long he's gonna be gone!"

I picked her up and carried her to the car and Steve sped off. "Oh my god what did they do to her?" Steve yells. "Let's go to the hospital now." I reply back.

Novas Pov:
Oh god they're coming again, no no no.
I say to myself, then I hear his voice. Calling out for me, I tried to make a sound but I couldn't. I was too weak. I kind of passed out but I could hear somethings.

I felt him pick me up and carried me. All I remember is hearing him and Steve talking. And then my eyes shut.

In love with my freak *Eddie Munson*Where stories live. Discover now