A Foster Family (Part 3)

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"No way Cinderella! You're not coming to the ball! Prince Charming wants to see me, Aurora!" Aoi snarled while she played with her dolls.

"It's because of my ankles? Isn't it?!" Nene replied, putting her doll down.

"Hm?" Aoi hummed.

"I play Cinderella because my ankles are fat, right?! Cinderella wasn't pretty enough to go to the ball.. so I can't..?" Nene shouted, her expression clearly showing betrayal.

"No way, Nene-chan! I would never think that!" Aoi denied, shaking her head.

"TSUKASAAAAA!!!!!!!" A loud voice screamed in horror as footsteps could be heard scrambling towards the living room. 

"Jeez.. he's only been here a few hours and he's already so loud!" Akane scoffed, looking up from his book on the couch. 

Abruptly, the living room door slid open and banged into its frame. A distressed Amane stood panting, his brow covered in sweat and his mood completely different from this morning.

"Where is he!? Where did he put it?!" he croaked out. Was he about to cry? Could he not stand being away from his brother for that long?

"Tsukasa-kun is drawing with Mitsuba and Mei outside.. or.. they might have been." Nene replied, looking at the window as rain began to drizzle and slide against it. No way they would be drawing on PAPER of all things in the rain? Right?

"And put what.. exactly..?" Aoi questioned.

"Oh.. uh.. nothing.." Amane flushed, looking away. Now he was returning to act in character. "Thanks anyway!"

And just like that, he was off running down the hall again.


"cold.." Amane shivered as he held the elbows of each arm. "why would they paint in such weather..? ""

As Amane looked around the green backyard, his eyes laid upon a tree house. Although house probably wasn't the word, more of a hut. An unsteady, rickety ladder hang from the base of the "entrance". No taller than 3-4 metres off the ground. 

"Oh.. they're drawing up there!" Amane said to himself, as he grabbed onto the first step of the ladder and began climbing up.

After a short struggle of almost slipping off the ladder, Amane pulled himself onto the treehouse. And the sight he saw before him nearly sent him falling backwards, off the tree...

A boy with spiky blonde hair and Spider-man pyjamas lay in a ball shaking. His arms clenched at his sides as he layed lifeless. Amane thought he saw a dead body and stumbled backwards a bit, barely gripping onto an extruding branch for support.  

"AHHHHH!!!!" he shrieked. What the heck was with this house?! They just have dead bodies laying around?!?

"Loud.." the body mumbled, slowly moving his shivering arms to his ears to cover them up slightly.

"IT MOVED!!" Amane shrieked again.

"Help.." the corpse coughed again.

"Help!? Are you okay?!" Amane asked quickly. The words tumbled out of his mouth like a rapid river. 

"Teru-nii..?" the corpse responded, turning over slowly to look Amane straight in his eyes.

"Uhm no.. it's me, Amane..?" 

"I..I need him.. I shouldn't have gone outside.. alone.." the sick carcass mumbled, crawling over to the edge of the treehouse. Was he seriously thinking of getting down alone? Let alone jumping?!

Well yes, but he didn't make it that far before giving up, lying down and wheezing. But that was just moments before a yucky orange and green liquid spilled from his lips and onto the grass below. If someone were to look out the back-window at that very moment, they would see chunks of leftovers spilling from the sky. And Teru was the exact person to fill that category.

His limbs gave up but his stomach gave in.

"Oh.. gross!" Amane cried. He moved to the furthest end of the treehouse that he could. There's no way he could get down now, so he was stuck with some sick, vomiting kid. 

"KOU!" Teru called, poking his head outside the backdoor. 

And that scream was enough to grab the other kids' attention, something Kou didn't want at this very moment. One by one they all raced to where Teru was and giggled and screamed at Kou's rising mess. Not 6 or Mei though, they just carefully told Tsuchigomori what was happening and that was that.

Kou had completely humiliated himself. Tsuchigomori had to go outside and retrieve him, once he settled down. A small scolding was held before everyone from Teru to Kou before Kou raced to the bathroom unexpectedly. Amane managed to jump off the treehouse safely without getting vomit on him, but managed to slip and fall into the mud.

"Amane!! Amane!!" Tsukasa called as he saw him enter the house. "You won't believe what Kou just did, it was disgusting! He threw up everywhere, like a pressure washe-"

"Yeah yeah I saw.." Amane responded, wiping the mud off his leg.

"...I don't like that kid.." Tsukasa mumbled, clinging onto his brother, linking arms.

"Don't be mean now.. oh that reminds me! The whole reason I went out there! Tsukasa do y-" Amane started.

"You went out there?" Mei asked, ruffling Amane's hair. He turned around.

"Yeah! I needed to fi-"

"Why didn't you tell us Kou was up there?!" she yelled, a bit overprotective much? 

"I couldn't! He threw up before I could do anything!" Amane whined.

"I know.. kind of lame." Mitsuba added.

"Shut it, girly face." Mei argued.

"Cut it, Mei." 6 joined. He didn't really want to start or join a fight, because that would just add more pressure to Tsuchigomori. 

"Can you guys just cut it out!? Kou-kun is horribly sick, so stop fighting because of him... it's not his fault SOMEONE had to bring the flu into this house.." Nene butted in, glaring at each and every one of them. Although that last comment was probably meant for Aoi.

"Sorry Nene-chan.." Mei apologised, playing with Nene's hair. 

All the others starting apologising and went about their ways in the house. Tsuchigomori had gone upstairs to oversee Kou and Teru. Mitsuba went back to playing with lego, Akane read his book, Nene and Aoi played dolls again and so on so on. 

And that was only day 1. A weird start with weird family members. But Amane could get used to it, he thought. If only he knew where that rock went..

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