Water gun fight

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Water gun fight thing for the best angel princess boo beautiful mama peach cupcake muffin cutie pie love pumpkin sugar sweet pea ice tea pookie foxy wifey sunshine queen darling sweetheart donator ever!!


"Ugh, you reek!" Kou groans, pushing Amane away from him.

"So?! I didn't shower today!" Amane pouts, elbowing him back.

"Gross! You're disgusting!"

"Shut up..!" he whines, pushing the exorcist's head back down. There cover will be blown if this idiot doesn't stop complaining so loudly in the bushes.

They're having a water gun fight with about 15-25 people from school. They're paired up, and it's sort of a "every man for themself" sort of thing in a nearby park. But this park ain't no ordinary park. It has a huge fucking castle, slides, walls, everything. It's massive. Floor to floor with hidey holes and tight passages. It's a playground of course, but it's a hot day and the warm feel of oak planks underneath their feet reminds them of childhood.

The boys have thrown away their ties as the girls throw away their bows and have worn them as headbands, armbands, anklets, etc. instead. They look hilarious, and they all laugh at their silliness.

Everyone's thrown their shoes away. It's time to go barefoot, be like real children.

With the game starting at the blow of an elder boys soccer whistle, everyone had 5 minutes to rush off and find a hiding spot. If you get completely drenched and run out of water, you don't lose. You simply play on. Revive. That's how it should be, fair.

There's a large water tap in the middle, the town square sort of. Yet, a team already set up base their and spray water at any person hurrying through for salvation.

Kou and Amane have (against their will) paired up with each other. And needless to say, they're super unhappy about it. At first they didn't know what to do as they bucked over what and where to go.

"This way!" and "not over there!" and "RUN!" where the only efficient messages shared between the two. Yet eventually, a very stupid and evil senpai with his stupid cat-like smirk and ugly necklace and choker absolutely drench Kou so bad he slips and falls down a shaded curly slide. Amane just stares in disbelief and laughs at his girly cry for help.

Someone was trying to climb UP the twirly slide and Kou accidentally bumped into him. They both squawk and screech as they bump into each other and the walls on their descent, and the second they come out of the hole...

There's water spraying everywhere on Kou.

Of course, Tsukasa was the one behind Kou's downfall and he scares the living daylights out of Amane.

"Hehe, your partners such a wuss!"

Amane doesn't even retort. "I know. And who are you with?"

"Dunno, I scared off when I asked if she could hold my water balloons in her bra. But Natsuhiko and Sakura are together, so I'm with them!"

Amane doesn't even know who those people are, but he just laughs. Yet he slowly starts to back off when Tsukasa holds up his gun.

"Haha, right.. I wish I could do that to Yashiro-san, y'know?"

Did he say that last part out loud?

"Oh, you're such a pervert, Amane! Have some holy water!"

It's not holy water. But it's fucking boiling. Probably because it's been heating up inside of his plastic water gun in 100 degree weather.

Before he knows it, Amane's down the slide, grabbing Kou's shoulder and dragging them to safety. They laugh and scream their whole way there, getting ambushed left and right. They go down slides, get split up a little, and effectively shoot down tons of others.

They hide in the bushes, which Kou claims is tactical and "they do it a lot in movies."

Amane whines that if they do get taken down, they will soak in their own mud. But Kou waves that idea away, illustrating that it just adds to the feel.

Amane gives up and rests his head on the soft dirt below them. "If only I could have been paired with Yashiro-san..." he sighs.

Kou, slightly curious, inquires.

"Because, we could flirt! I could spray her and get to see her bra when the water soaks in!"

Kou's only reaction is to grimace at him, click his tongue, and squirt water in his eyes. Amane proceeds to roll around on the ground like a wet cat and playfully yell "MY EYES!"

"Pervert.." Kou mumbles, looking away. He's grasping onto his last hope of innocence and trying everything to not imagine that.

"Shut up!" Kou whacks him, "you'll get us both caught!"

Amane just giggles his sweet innocent laugh, looking up at the trees above them and grinning his ass off. Kou thinks he looks dumb.

There's a moment of fleeting silence as Kou analyses the situation outside. He sees girls running away from boys, dashing through the sand and giggling. Lots of giggling. They hide behind walls and pallets, vaulting over windows and such. They throw buckets of water and bomb each other with water balloons.

Kou frowns. He's missing out.

"Come on, let's go out there!"

"No!" Amane quickly sits up, he grabs at the crouching Kou and urges him to lay low. But out of no where, they are shot in the back by Yokoo and Satou who are chuckling at their malicious deed.

Before the two stupid teenage boys can turn around to see who it is, they're absolutely swamped in water and mud. So much that they throw off their shirts (like many other guys have) and whack Satou and Yokoo with mud. That gives them a lot of laughs.

By the end, they're getting complaints from locals at the park that they're "too vilant" and "wasting water" so by 5pm they've disbanded and decided to have a barbecue instead.

It's nice, apparently some seniors got the food for them and leave it to the culinary class majors to cook some skewers, sausages or hotdogs in bread and crappy souvalakis.

Kou's sitting with Amane, Nene and Mitsuba. Apparently Nene and Mitsuba had a great time together to the distaste of the others. The 4 share their stories and stuff, and eat their skewers and potato salad.

By the end, they're sitting with everyone just chatting and talking. It's a hot summer night with a drowsy sun shining in the horizon. Their clothes are wet but warm, their shoes and sandy and soaked, and they eventually find themselves going home.

What a day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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