|~Chapter 4: New Classroom~|

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After Etho gave the tour of the school, telling Grian exactly what he needs to know and about some the teachers and occasionally Etho would stumble on his words but Grian always told him it was fine.


Etho then took him to a classroom they had passed,"This isnyour homeroom, I have a spare timetable for you but your table should be at the back of your school notebook, I'll be around so don't be afraid to come and ask for help.", so Etho walked down the hall and into another classroom.
Grian looked at the door, taking a deep breath and entered the classroom for the first time.


"Hey, new guy, Grian!"
It was Scar.
Scar walked up to him with a big smile,"Looks like we're in the same class!", the classroom had a handful of people, like hybird and, Witches and even more.
"Yeah, this school is full to the brim of people with unique features, powers and more!"
As Scar spoke more, Grian took in everyone's appearance.
He saw mostly hybirds in the classroom and a handful of magic users.
The teacher then came in, Scar and Grian sat next to each other as the teacher shushed the students that were talking.
"Welcome back everyone from your summer holiday, this is our final year together so we're going to make the most of our last year and make good memories."
Grian felt like that was targeted at him, especially since his old school memories were something that he wanted to forget, but Grian kept his cool as he really wanted to just get this year over and done with so he can hopefully have ONE good school year.
So Grian just looked around as the teacher went on, but Grian froze as he almost thought he saw Tauris in the classroom window.
"So, you must be the new student?"
Grian turned back, the teacher smiled at him and Grian gulped as he nods.
"You'll have a great year here, I promise you that."

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