Chapter 23. 1812

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On the morning of April 23, at around 6:15 in the morning, Cassandra felt the first wave of pain consume her body. But unlike most women of her status who would scream and yell bloody murder, she remained calm and collected. She knew the pain was going to increase, but wasn't afraid of it. She knew what her body was meant to do, and that was bring children into the world. Leaning to her left, she gave Anthony a soft kiss.

Anthony's eyes flutter dope, and he smiled at her sleepily. "They are awake early in my love."

Cassandra smiled sweetly, then cast as a particularly sharp pain hit her. "Well my dear, there is a reason why I am awake before you today. And there is a reason why I am awake so early."

Sleep vanished from Anthony's eyes as he saw her current state. He noticed her breathing was a little more shallow, her hand on her abdomen. Sitting up, he took her face between his hands, his eyes fixed with hers. "Darling are you...?"

Cassandra nodded. "My labor has started."

Anthony's heart started pounding, but he remained as calm as a cucumber. Smiling, he brushed his lips against hers before quickly climbing out of bed and getting dressed. Thankfully, he knew of a very wonderful doctor and midwife, who happened to be husband and wife. Dr. Matthew Thompson and his wife Matilda I've been staying with the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall for the last three weeks, just in case anything happened. After making sure that Cassandra was comfortable, he walked out of there chamber and knocked on the Thompson's chamber door. 

Matilda was the one to open it, and when she saw the Duke standing before her, knew it was time. She smiled and squeezed his shoulder. "Don't you fret your grace, Matthew and I shall take very good care of both of them."

Anthony smiled. "I know, the two of you took care of my mother."

Matilda smiled back before turning and making her way to the bed to wake up math. Within minutes, the two of them were dressed and following Anthony back towards his chamber where Cassandra was waiting for them. It was agreed that Anthony would be staying with his wife until the time of actual delivery, and then would leave the room.

Over the next several hours, Cassandra endured excruciating pain. But she remained composed and didn't cry out, at least not to the point where the neighbors were awakened. She didn't want to scare anyone, much less disturb their sleep. She whimpered every so often if a contraction was particularly painful, but that was the extent of her discomfort. The only thing she was wanting was a safe and healthy baby, as well as an uneventful delivery.


By 215 that afternoon, eight hours after labor had begun, Cassandra was holding her 9 lbs. 3 oz. baby boy   She  had done what every mother dreamed of doing the first time around. She had birthed a male heir.

Matilda smiled. "Shall I go and fetch his grace?"

Cassandra gave her a soft smile, her attention strictly focused on her son. "Please do."

Matilda turned and made her way out of the chamber to go and tell Anthony of the news. She found him in his office, perusing documents and correspondence. She cleared her throat to get his attention.

Anthony was on his feet at the sound of her voice, as expression expectant. "How is Cassandra?"

Matilda. "She's doing very well your grace. She is tired, but that's to be expected."

Anthony. "Of course. And the baby?"

Matilda was beaming. "You have a very healthy and beautiful son."

Anthony's heart leapt into his throat, Matilda's words swirling around in his head. He had a son. He had an heir. He had the baby boy that most of his fellow gentleman dreamed of receiving for their first baby. Not wanting to stand there like an idiot for a moment longer, he followed Matilda out of his office and toured his chamber. Entering the room, he walked swiftly towards Cassandra, dropping to his knees and kissing her deeply. Then he turned his attention to the baby boy who was nursing at his mothers breast. His eyes overflowed with tears as he placed one hand gently against at the top of his child's tiny head, moving his fingers softly through the dark red peach fuzz. "He's beautiful my love."

Cassandra smiled. "He's perfect, and I believe he is going to look just like you."

Anthony smiled. "I believe you're right. The question is, what to name him."

Cassandra. "I was thinking after our fathers, John Charles Anthony Westwood. John after your father and Charles after my father."

Anthony. "I think that's a brilliant name for him."

Jon stopped nursing and turned his gray blue eyes toward his father, staring at him with curiosity. There was no doubt those eyes would turn green within a few months. Reaching one of his chubby tiny hands outward, he wrapped his fingers around Anthony's pinky.

Anthony started crying, leaning down and kissing John's tiny cheek. "My sweet boy, you are absolutely perfect. You are going to be loved and adored by both of us."

Once John was finished nursing, he was given to Anthony to be held. He snuggled against his father's warm chest, making soft noises in the back of his throat with approval. There was no doubt the announcement of his birth was going to be broadcast for all of London to celebrate.  

Anthony and Cassandra exchanged a soft smile and a tender kiss as they gazed down at their self. They didn't know how many more children they would have after John, but they knew that each one of them was going to be loved.

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